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Help me plan my 20H!


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Okay... here it all is!


The hood closed...



The hood open....



The finish I'm going to use...



and the crazy ballast I got...



I need to take a picture of the 13 watt PC shoplioght I got for 9.60 at home depot, but I forgot, so it'll be up next time I take pics. Any suggestions on how I can get that ballast into the hood? I hadn't planned on using MH till I got that. :)

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Very Nice!B)


I used to be a carpenter, but it seems I left my carpentry skills at the last job! :D


Whenever I build things, they never turn out like that! Great job.


Actually, last night I was at petsmart with my dog. And I came across a wood canopy for a 29g for only $19.99. It is completely stained and ready to go. I wish I could find one for my 20! Still looking.


I had built one but it turned out very cheezy. :x So I am looking to buy one or build one that would look as good as yours.


Well, I will stop rambling!




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Oh geeze, you should easily be able to make something like that if you used to be a carpenter. :) I only used the poor mans table saw (circular saw, some sort of straigh metal 90 degree cornering, and clamps)... some wood glue, a plastic miter box, oh yeah, and my dad got this fancy new drill press that we used a router bit on to do the sliding door. Too bad it only spins at 3000rpm, it doesnt cut as nice as a router would have done. I have barely more than zero carpentry skill. I just looked at a lot of pictures and tried to copy what I liked with my own little twist.


Now for rigging up that new ballast... wish I had planned on having it!

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That I don't know about. Actually you might want to find out if that is too short of a hood for metal halide! I thought I read some where that it needed to be like 10" above the water surface. If not, I can use my hood and put a 175W halide and redo my door.


If I redid my access door, my canopy would look great!


May still do it anyways!

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I was thinking I could cut a hole in the top of the hood if necessary. I started another thread about just the ballast. I finally have the door all glued up and ready to stain when I get back from class. Its hard to go to class when I could stay here and work on this. :)

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If I cut out a square hole in the top of the hood I could put the light up there and give it a few more inches... of course, that cuts down on the spread of the light a little bit. Ah... I dunno. :) I'm just toying with ideas right now. I could get a reflector like they have on outdoor halogen bulbs and mount it in there and plop that on top... shrug.

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All the latest pictures are at...




So my current thoughts (after having daydreamed through class) are that cutting a hole in the top of the hood the size of the bulb, or rather, slightly larger, and then setting it on there with a reflector may be the best approach. The question is... how ugly with that look having a reflector on top?


The advantages... the light will be slightly higher, and I think it will also be cooler. I'm not sure, but I think those light reflectors ( the outside halogen ones) have tempered glass on them as well.

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