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Cultivated Reef

Help me plan my 20H!


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I've got a nice little 10 gallon running, and then I come across a free 20H. Troubles ensue. I'd really like to have everything planned, planned again, built, planned, tested, and then maybe used. I don't want to have to mess with things at all once they're running, so I need advice.


The tank is a 20H so the dimensions are 24x12x16.


What I'm currently trying to decide is how I should set up the filtration. I've been tossing around the idea of building an overflow in the corner and then pumping out to the soon to be empty 10 gallon. I would get the 10 gallon drilled for a gravity return into the 20 (I like the idea of gravity return much better than pump return, but feel free to insert your own opinions). The nice thing about this is I would expand my total water volume by 50%, so that could definately be a bonus. Not only that, but it would give me a great place to hide unsightly heaters, etc. :)


Another possibility is to build either an entire back wall (like Chris' tanks) or a section of the back (like a large chunk of the corner) and so the same sort of thing in there only it would be self contained and probably easier.


Suggestions? Advice? Pictures? I've looked at a lot of set-ups, especially 20H set-ups, and I really like the ones that people like Lizbeth have running. The fun part is I also get to make a new hood! So anyhow, I basically want to know if ya'll think its worth the hassle of running outside the tank or if I should keep it inside? If you think I should keep it inside should I do the whole back wall or part of it? I can't decide which path to travel.


Oh yeah, and aren't overflows loud?

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fish ? O SH*T ! I fer got to tell ya to add the fish first !


they have to be in before the LR is added or else it won't cycle..... ! ... EVER !...

dood yer screwed....


pack it up and go back to freshwater.... :woot:

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i favor the seperate refugium and gravity return method simply because it gives you more room to put "stuff" in there and is safer for micro fauna. the built in refugium methed works great for smaller tanks, but i just think the external refugium would be more benificial in your 20.

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What kind of pump should I use to pump out of the main tank? I swear the more I read about this the more I get confused. Should I drill the back of the 20 or just build in an overflow box into the corner and pump straight out from there? Anyone got any good links? Ive been looking at a lot of stuff, but its all scattered and I'm having trouble understanding how it all works.

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Ok, I had a similar set-up. I orginally had a10g then up graded to a 20H. I rushed into it and now I have redone my 20H. My current set-up is a 20H, two 3/4" drains drilled at the top back of my tank. I used the 10g as a fuge with a glass divider about 6" from one end for my pump and heater. The return pump is a mag7 with 2-1/2" lock line returns.


This is what I would recommend. You have mentioned that you want the fuge to gravity feed back to the display but, that means that you are going to have an ugly fuge on top or out in the open. I personally like to look at fuges but other people that enjoy my reef don't understand why I like it. They think it is just some sand and weeds! If you put the sump in a cabinet you keep it out of sight.


Just my 2 cents.:P

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So I decided to go with an in tank section instead of hassling with all the plumbing, etc.. I went to the acrylic shop today and ordered my pieces. Here's what it should end up like.. I hope. :)




and for those of you who can't visualize, heres some cheezy drawings. :)




Whaddaya thinks?

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Hey just a thought, how thick should I get this acrylic? Im not sure that 1/8 inch is enough cause of the water, but it WILL have water on both sides so it shouldnt be under all that much pressure I think? My brain is fried from this incessent studying of chinese art history. UGH!

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Now its time to plan my hood, only I can't decide if I want to put hinges on the front of it or just make a solid box like I have now and just take it off when I need to get inside. Also, I need to figure out if I can stay with my current 2x32 and 15 watt NO or if I need to upgrade. I'd LIKE to upgrade, but if I don't NEED to then I can wait a little bit till I have a bit more spending money. :) Suggestions as to how I should rig up my hood?

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Here it is being installed!


The tank!





Gluing the acrylic...





Putting it in the tank!





Another angle




I'm high as a kite from all that aquarium sealant. Hopefully this thing works well, I've never really used this stuff before. I think I should probably give it a few days and a few coats... suggestions?

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Looking good. I'm having the same dilemma that you were in your initial post. I'm probably going to use my 20H as a sump/refugium beside my 10G display tank. Mainly because I can use my overflow box in the 10G and not have to redo the entire tank which is a PIA.


Glad to see someone finally found a use for textbooks that never get used but cost more than a nano reef (come to think of it I have 4 years of books needing something to do besides gather dust :P).


Out of curiosity what pump are you planning on using for the return and have you thought about using a lock line for your return?

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Hey that's pretty cool! My only concern is...Did you use silicone to bond where the acrylic meets acrylic? If you did hopefully it will hold, silicone doesn't work well to bond acrylic.

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Yeah, I did. I shoulda gotten some.. uhh... weldon? from my friend, but I didn't. How long do ya'll think I should let it sit before I test it with water? I was thinking 2 days, but if I need more or less please let me know. :)


Now its hood building time. Solid, or door? If door... Front raise up? Front split and open like a cupboard? Whole top raise up? I'm lookin at all sorts of designs and I can't decide what I like best. I dont think I want the top to open though, as the lighting will go there... Also, what kind of wood should I use? I used poplar on my last one and it worked jsut fine I think. :) I'm no expert.

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Alrighty! The new hood is almost done. I finally decided to make a sliding front door on it instead of a hinged door. The best part is you can't even tell its there. Being a very amatuer carpenter, I'm proud of myself. :) I used a bunch of 1/2" plywood that my dad had in his garage and some different mouldings to cover the edges. I'm sandign it right now and I'll take pictures soon. I'm going to stain it a nice dark dark red color ( at least I hope thats how it comes out based on that little square..)


The problem with all this? I got a 175watt MH ballast/fixture yesterday minus only a bulb for 15 bucks at the reef meeting, and I need to find a way to fit that in the hood without melting down my apartment. :) I had only planned on having PC's in there. Maybe I can cut a hole in the top of it and then rig something up.. pics will follow soon.

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