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anyone using the Coralife aqualights? if so how do you like them? looking at them for my 55 gallon but unsure weather to go with the 50/50 bulbs or the 2 10,000K + 2 actinics any feedback much appreciated!!???

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i have a 28 watt one of those iot only cost me 40 bux not bad at all i tohught. they can take a 32 watt csl smart light too. ive heard good things about their bulbs. the fixture it self is very sleek and nice lookin. i would buy another if i had the money


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I don't have one yet, but I have done a lot of research and I think they are great. Time will tell on how long they last and stuff like that, but design and function they are great. Seperate plugs for actinic and regualr bulds so you can have seperate timers and fans are stock on the deluxe models. I say go for it.

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still undecided, the only reason i might go with a retrofit instead is because i don't really like the blue look that the coralife outfit would come with for 2 of the bulbs. i like the bright white look instead, any suggestions now for getting the look i want? thanks to all!???

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o.k. think i've figured out what lights i'm gonna go with- gonna get the CF/PC retrofit for my 55 standard just don't know whether to go with the 46.5" or the 48" retrofit any suggestions?

once again-thanks for all the help and advice!!

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