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I have a 12 gal DX and I was wondering what is the ideal temp. b/c today when i came home the temp was 82.5 I think that is rather high

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82.5 is fine as long as it is stable at that temp. Its a little high but stability is key. I currently keep my reef at around 80 but used to run at 82. Haven't noticed any difference in my livestock b/w the two temps but again at both times I kept the temp stable at whatever particular temp I chose to run.

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I've found that my 12g nano runs hot too. So far, reducing the amount of time the day lights are on is best bet (or easiest anyway) to cool it

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  • 2 years later...
I've found that my 12g nano runs hot too. So far, reducing the amount of time the day lights are on is best bet (or easiest anyway) to cool it
you can also shift the photoperiod to predominantly night hours (when it's generally cooler anyways). i.e. instead of 12PM~12AM, 6PM~6AM. as long as you get your viewing time with the tank, there shouldn't be an issue other than to slowly stagger the change/shift.


as to the OP, 84F is the upper range of tolerability during summer months imo. it's always best to stay within a narrow range (78F~80F) but anything going higher than 85F will likely do damage.

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My tank stays at about 82 all year round. Except in summer sometimes it goes up a couple degrees for a few hours..


I need a chiller.

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Mine runs about 80.5 all day. I was worried about this as I always ran it at 78 before, but I guess its no big deal now that I see everyone else's temps.

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Mine generally runs between 80-82 in the summer. Sometimes it drops to 78 during the colder nights. I've never had a problem with that. Most livestock is hardier than alot of people give them credit for.

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I run one of my tanks between 80-82F Since my apartment can get hot inside (85+F) if i don't leave the A/C on while at work during the day (which is most days) that tank will get into the 83F range and has NO ill effects. At this point it happens so often, I'm not really worried about it. I keep the temp swing no more than 2-3 degrees so I know I'll be OK. The tank has recently seen 87F one day (not sure how long that lasted for) but nothing happened, no corals melted. Fortunately that tank has no fish in it. My 30g tank I run consistant. Fan turns on over the tank at 81.3F and chiller will come on at 81.6F. Chiller shuts off at 80.5F and fan shuts off at 80.0F This is all controlled via my ACjr on that tank. I'm uncomfortable at any temp over 83F. But temps of anthing between 80-83F will not kill your tank and is not bad as long as it's kept consistant.

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