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New 10Gal setup.


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Hey guys,


I am pretty excited ( I think). I recently purchased a 10Gal tank with the Eclipse 1TL hood. The hood comes with a dual 18" 15Watt lights. I added once actinic and one daylight to it already. I have a 50Watt heater and a small powerhead for circulation. Oh yeah I also have 1 in of Argonite( the sugar size one) as substrate.

I purchased about 7lbs live rock today.


My question(s) are:

1. What kinda invertabrates can I run with the kinda light I have?

2. Is an Anenome and 2 Perculas too much to ask for for what I have?

3. Do i need anything else besides what I have to have a decent reef


Thats all I can think of now.





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Quote: from C2187 on 7:05 pm on May 22, 2002[br]If you are new to the hobby stay away from anenomes...


Actually this is my second SW tank. I had a 50 Gal tank, but mainly fish was kept. Okay so a no go on the anenomies huh? Any input on the rest of the questions??

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anemones are generally bad reef canidates because they move around  a lot and can harm another inhabitants also they need excellent water parameters.

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:bounce:Welcome Earl,:bounce:


1) In terms of inverts, you could keep xenia, shrooms, and star polyps (off the top of my head). -I have had the exact same lighting set-up, in the past (to be honest with you, there isn't much you can't keep in terms of softies). Of course you could also go for sponges, sun corals, and other non-light intensive inverts.  The most important thing, is to do research on the peice BEFORE you buy it. Ask for more than one person's opinon (pref people that have kept the invert before!)... -You will notice less growth with lower lights, but it isn't as if your corals are going to struggle to survive... :) -many people here dissagree with me on this, but I have had this system...


2)Any other tips: You might want to consider a lighting up-grade sometime in the future (not now, but just in the future...). Another thing, watch you temperature fluxuations!! I would recommend a 75W heater on a 10 gallon... The smaller the tank the easier it is for the temperature to fluxuate (easier to heat, and doesn't retain heat as well as a larger tank)... Thus, a larger heater helps minimize this effect -just keep an eye on the temp to make sure that the tank is ok (esp. at night).

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Quote: from printerdown01 on 8:49 pm on May 22, 2002[br]:bounce:Welcome Earl,:bounce:


1) In terms of inverts, you could keep xenia, shrooms, and star polyps (off the top of my head). -I have had the exact same lighting set-up, in the past (to be honest with you, there isn't much you can't keep in terms of softies). Of course you could also go for sponges, sun corals, and other non-light intensive inverts.  The most important thing, is to do research on the peice BEFORE you buy it. Ask for more than one person's opinon (pref people that have kept the invert before!)... -You will notice less growth with lower lights, but it isn't as if your corals are going to struggle to survive... :) -many people here dissagree with me on this, but I have had this system...


2)Any other tips: You might want to consider a lighting up-grade sometime in the future (not now, but just in the future...). Another thing, watch you temperature fluxuations!! I would recommend a 75W heater on a 10 gallon... The smaller the tank the easier it is for the temperature to fluxuate (easier to heat, and doesn't retain heat as well as a larger tank)... Thus, a larger heater helps minimize this effect -just keep an eye on the temp to make sure that the tank is ok (esp. at night).


Hey thanks for those tips. I will be definitly upgrading the light in the future. Is there like a website that i can goto that will descrive to me what kinda inverts and corals, etc, i can keep with certain levels of light.


Thanks again

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2 things... First, I was going to try to put 2x32w in the eclipse. But, as far as I'm aware, it is not possible. I have tried everything I can think of (except removing my filter box, and using the back of the aquarium, which I refuse to do). If you want to up-grade lighting I would HIGHLY recommend using the 28W... It may not give you as much light when you add the first bulb (but it will increase your lux in the tank by almost (but not quite) 2x what you have with the 2x15 NO bulbs). But it also allows you to later install another 28 giving you 2x28W in your system... There is a website around here somewhere (I'll try and find it for you, and add it to this post).

The second subject, is the website question... humm... Unfortunately I am not aware of any sites with this type of information... Honestly, I don't know why one hasn't been created yet, as it would dispell a lot of myths regarding lighting... I'm going to be redoing my site soon, I think this will be something I add...

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Yup, that is the site... I have another idea for adding the extra 32W to the tank... If I can find someone around here with an extra light and ballast (or a store willing to loan me one :) ), I'll give it a try!!!

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