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auto top offs


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i am looking to buy a dependable auto top off system for my nano reef. i need it to be dependable and accurate. i will be on several trips this coming month and my reef tank evaportes water like crazy. any suggestions on what kind to get or where on the web i can find info on this? i have searched some of the popular sites and did not find them to carry auto top offs. i have seen people on this board making those on their own. right now i am unable to make one and would like one that i cna purchase. please help. thank you.

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wow..dave..you are acutally nicer now. thank god.


hey dude, i did search and i wanted to know if they actually make those units professionally. the reason is i want to know if the professionally made ones(if they do make them) work against the diy ones. that way i know what i am buying if i do decide to go either way. the thing about the past post is, its mostly diy. i was hoping someone might be selling one of those that is made professionally, and also have some feed back about them on websites. so far i know how the diy ones work and most have excellent feed backs. if someone did mention something about the professionally made ones (that is if they sell and make those) than i might of missed it, but if not...please provide some related links if possible thanks to all and thanks to dave for being nice this time. =)

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what the..... ???

yeahhhhhhh.. I got all that from your first post in this thread...... :





did you even bother to read the thread link I posted?

/ me thinks - no.




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cameron, aka physh1, has a post or twenty in the trading or classified section regarding his systems. He makes top off switches and he priced out a complete package that includes everything, even the bucket for a few of us real lazy bastards.


everyone seems to praise his as the best and the price is definitely right so check them out.


oh and what everyone else said:

usay the earchsay uttonbay (see glazer I know piglatin too)

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dang dave. ....i did look at the link. i saw that one that people are selling. from what i can tell those are all privately made. i am seriously thinking about contacting him about that top off system he is making, but i want more to compare. thats why i am asking if there are any that is commercially made. something i can read feed backs from. the thing is..i see commercially made pumps that said some can be use as top offs, but they are really dosers. dave be patient please. maybe i am phrasing the question wrong, but at least undertsand where i am coming from. not much money in love of this hobby so got to do some major research and major feed back reading so that i wont have to buy the thing i want and need twice by simply not researching a whole lot before buying. also, while i was searching i saw a recent post about how snails got on someone's automatic top off system and that is somethign i dont want happening ot me since i dont get home from school and work at 3 am pacific time. if you can, maybe ur better at knowing how to search for these datas and help me out. but thanks for the link from previos posts. yeah..that seizre thing kills. haha....anyway thanks=)

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Hmmm, can't find it here? Here is what GOOGLE can do for you. Here is a commercially. professionally made float switch complete with reviews.

Here's another, Carlos seems to dig his "unit" ...lol If you keep going with the search you can find a ton more. Now if you don't want to throw down big bucks for a "commercially" made model... punch "DIY float switches into Google and ya can read for the next day or two. This took just a couple of minutes searching... I dunno exactly WHAT it is I'm getting at, I think my point is you can see why "I searched all over, I can't find, yadda yadda" might not bode to well with some.... oh well whatever, I don't get all that whizzed about it, I just hate to see posts/threads go bad/wild however I am enjoying my "When Girls Go Wild" video, oh that Snoop Dog dood, what a maroon...hehehehe (And now back to the movie........)

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Originally posted by glazer

Um, dood....  Physhay in the classifieday's


I believe you mean..."ysh-phay in the assifieds-clay."


And um, SeaFish? Just because it's "professionally made" doesn't make it better. I'd take a homemade quilt over one made in China any day of the week, thank you very much.

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yah whatever!...lol I have repeated myself many a times.... I am Latin-challenged, Latin of any ilk. Psssst oh and hey, I'm dyslexic too.... that IS what I wrote, what's yer point? :P (wait.... think, *snicker*)

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thank you all guys. i think i know why when i searched it didnt really get me toward anything. something with how my computer on campus hwere i work part time is set that anything that is not secure on the internet it do not show. i am glade therer are tons of stuff out there. well..thanks...got to go reading now. =)

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Hehehehehe, this is a funny thread. I looked at daves pic for at least 5 minutes......ug.....anyhow, yeah look in the classifieds and I'm doing a bunch of package deals and stuff for some of these crazy guys and I'll have my snails guards done next week so take a look and if you have any questions lemme know:)



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(And um, SeaFish? Just because it's "professionally made" doesn't make it better. I'd take a homemade quilt over one made in China any day of the week, thank you very much.)


Hey "Orange Crush", i dont mean to say a professionally made one is any better than a home made one. i was hoping that a professionally made one would have customer reviews that i can read about since most of everything i find on the board is home made. i wanted to compare their functions since i have never seen one or purchase one before. i really dont care who gets what from where or how they get it, but since i rather not spend a lot of money on something i could of gotten cheaper or even better working that is why i want to see how a professionally made one work in contrast to a home made one.

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See why I try not to post without losing at least 2 days sleep searching and reading and searching and... ok ok


Purchased one from Physh1 and it does all it says!!!

So if ur looking... it really works and its made quite professionally IMO

Not lookin for brownie points but I am waiting for my snail guard upgrade kit! :D lol

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oh yeah...i agree with you XtraKritical, i am seriously thinking about ordering one from Physh1 since it has good reviews clear across the board. i was gona use his as reference to see what is the difference between his and the professionallyl made one. but thanks for all the help guys. i really appreciate it.

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