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Will Southdown sand buffer PH?


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I am preparing to set up a 7 gallon minibow and I have been reading alot of posts from people who recommend Southdown play sand for their sand beds.  I live in Southern New Jersey and am fortunate that all the Home Depots around here seem to keep it in stock.  It is inexpensive approximately $4.00 per 50 lb bag, so I would like to use it.  My concern is that I am not sure what it is....is it aragonite or some other calcium carbonate based sand?  Will this help to buffer the PH?  

Anyone with info on this?  Thank you.

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It is oolitic aragonite sand. As for it buffering your ph....The jury is out on weather or not High PH (above 7.5) will disolve aragonite and cause the buffering you are speaking of. Generally Folks say that a PH of 6.5 or under is nescessary to gain the benifits of buffering using aragonite. That is why calcium reactors are used with Co2 to lower the PH and encourage the calcium into solution.



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Thanks for the info.  But I have a question.  Why use it then instead of any old sand if it doesn't help PH?  Why not use crushed coral sand instead?  I am not planning on a DSB, probably in 1 to 2 inch range.  I am new to the reef hobby and am trying to learn so any more info is greatly appreciated.

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although the composition and purity of reef sands is defenately important. The shape and size are what are really important for a DSB to function properly That is why most experts suggest oolitic aragonite. Oolitic corasponds to the shape of the individule grains. aragonite is dead coral skeletons and they only get it from the carribean The buffering may play a very small role in your overall balance but IMO not enough to worry about. If you aren't planning on a DSB (which isn't proven to be effective in a nano) get oolitic aragonite (southdown, carribsea) If you are only having a layer for looks and some critter habitat you could get away with fine CC.



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