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pH problem in new 5.5gal


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I have a new 5.5gal with only a small piece of live rock and 2 red leg crabs.


The pH in the tank is at ~7.6 and I have been adding 1/4 teaspoon of Kent buffer daily for a week.


I let my RO change water with salt sit over night in a jug and it tested at only 8.0. I thought the salt mix should take it to 8.3 . I am using Instant Ocean.


Any ideas why my pH will not rise?

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it will rise with time, just keep adding buffer daily in fresh water and add as top off water.  It will balance out in a week or so.  Had the same problem early on, now i'm a stable 8.3.  I'm using Seachems reef buff, which says it raises the buffer and ph slowly and helps maintain ph.

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have you checked the pH of your source water?  it may be exceptionally low for some reason.  most salt mixes will put the water (if mixed in correct proportions) at around 8.2


do you have plants?  they can depress the pH too.

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Argonite sand is supposed to leach calcium carbonate and buffer your water.  


Or you can do what I do...  Just don't check it.  :smilewinkgrin:

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Quick check....


Hmm, no ick... Check.

Corals all look good.... Check.

Water level is fine... Check.

Headcount!... Okay, no dead creatures.


Hmm, must be doing something right. *SaltyDog shrugs and walks away*


:) :)

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If pH doesn't look right, one of the first things you should check is alkalinity. Without alkalinity, your pH is at the mercy of all sorts of seemingly minor things. Adequate alkalinity will tend to anchor your pH at 8.3ish. Shoot for 2.5-4.0 meq/l (7-11 dKH).



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My pH seems to stay fixed at about 8.2 after I add the salt.


I am using Reef Crytals -- made by IO.


Check a sample of freshly made saltwater. When I mean feshly made, I mean it should have been mixed thoroughly etc for a good 6 hours at least to let all the chemical reactions reach a balance. At this point your salt mix should have the pH at 8.1-8.3


If it does not, then there is a problem with either the salt or the orginal water.

RO or Di water should be neutral.


If they pH drops after being in your tank, you must figure out whats causing this.


I dont mess with the pH or add buffers or the like in my tank. Overall, the salt mix and water changes keeps everythng in check. I just add trace elements and calcium when its needed.

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Thanks for all the info.

I did get the pH up using the buffer it just took some time.


I think I might need to do some maintance on my RO system.

It was in the house when I bought it 8 months ago.

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