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Dip and Quarintine

fish n' pets

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When i finally get my first fish, i was going to do a freshwater/methelene blue dip and put it in quarintine. I'm confused on how i should do that. I have a bucket i can use and a quarintine system all set up. I read in a book dip the fish then place it in the quarintine. What about acclimation? Do i acclimate, then dip, then place in quatintine? And how long should i dip the fish? Is methelene blue safe for inverts?

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When i finally get my first fish, i was going to do a freshwater/methelene blue dip and put it in quarintine. I'm confused on how i should do that. I have a bucket i can use and a quarintine system all set up. I read in a book dip the fish then place it in the quarintine. What about acclimation? Do i acclimate, then dip, then place in quatintine? And how long should i dip the fish? Is methelene blue safe for inverts?


I would QT first and dip if needed. LFS need to dip their fish right away so they will tell you to do the same. (usually they do not QT). Since you'll be able to catch the fish easily in a QT tank, I'd acclimate it there and let him settle in. Feed well, lots of variety and do regular weekly water changes (at least) and you'll see health improvement. if not, you can try a dip, but i would wait until you see a sign of disease.

i understand trying to nip disease in the bud, but when the fish isnt sick or may not be when you get it, i wouldnt recommend stressing it.


personally i dont like methly blue, it's not invert safe and is basicly the medication used in all blue colored ich medications. you'll have better luck with a FW dip IMO.

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Totally not necessary.


Here is what you do. Buy the fish, put it in your tank. Simple.


Don't treat things until they occur. Will just creat a lot of unnessecary stress.

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