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ideas on a sump?


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i need some info on how to make a sump for my 10gal.

what would be a good pump?

and what size tank should be used for the sump?

i want to get it drilled but what fittings and stuff would i need?

any good books on this?,


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Size--- what ever you want, its personal preferance.

pump--- How much flow do you want? How high will the water need to be pumped?

fittings--- Bulkhead, that fits the hole you drill

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tullock's book has some decent pics of sumps. you can probably see them in some of the 'basic' marine books too.


wetdryfilter.com has pre-fabs but their pics will give you an idea of the layout. check most of the wet/dry sections in ols's and you can eventually understand the various concepts (refugium, algae scrubber, true sump, extra volume, etc.) and then design/order your own.

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