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There is a Worm in my FlowerPot!?!


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At first I thought the Coral was splitting some how. The band was the same color is the coral base, never seen it before, then the band retracted and apeared to snake back into the rock the coral is attached too!


Flowerpots don't have feeder tentecles!


Can some one give me an ID on this guy and/or if I can remove it (How without disturbing the delicate flesh). I found it this morning before my Flowerpot was fully extended and i've read that if any portion of my flowerpot gets damaged I can loose the whole colony. :angry:

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At first I thought the Coral was splitting some how. The band was the same color is the coral base, never seen it before, then the band retracted and apeared to snake back into the rock the coral is attached too!


Flowerpots don't have feeder tentecles!


Can some one give me an ID on this guy and/or if I can remove it (How without disturbing the delicate flesh). I found it this morning before my Flowerpot was fully extended and i've read that if any portion of my flowerpot gets damaged I can loose the whole colony. :angry:


Um could you circle the something that you are worried about I think I see what you are talking about, but I want to be sure.

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Um could you circle the something that you are worried about I think I see what you are talking about, but I want to be sure.





I've never herd of this. Is it a Symbio or common hitch hicker?

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I've got the same thing on mine and I think it's just part of the coral (although I'm no coral expert).


Can you try and get a picture of your worm. It's hard to get a clear shot with it's polyps in the way.

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Can you try and get a picture of your worm. It's hard to get a clear shot with it's polyps in the way.


Ok without a picture of that thing away from the coral, It *COULD* be a bristleworm, but it REALLY hard to tell from the picture. It could very well just be part of the coral. I can't really tell.


IF it is a bristleworm, there are varing opinions on whether or not you would want them in your tank, most people don't want them around, there are Bristleworms traps out there, whatever you do don't touch it, it will sting, and it HURTS. Marinedepot carries the trap




Hope this helps

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Ok without a picture of that thing away from the coral, It *COULD* be a bristleworm, but it REALLY hard to tell from the picture. It could very well just be part of the coral. I can't really tell.


IF it is a bristleworm, there are varing opinions on whether or not you would want them in your tank, most people don't want them around, there are Bristleworms traps out there, whatever you do don't touch it, it will sting, and it HURTS. Marinedepot carries the trap




Hope this helps



No visable bristles. I'l try and spot it tomorrow morning and get another picture. So far I have not been able to see either side of the worm like thing. Sorry about the cheap picture, I need to get a better macro lense for my Canon .

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No better shots to take that what is shown above.

If nobody says diffrent, Im beging to believe that its some feeding mechanism that all Goniopora poses.


Green Flowerpots (Goniopora) seam to be labled as a "Difficult" coral to keep beyond 6months. Ny attempts to find detailed research / documentaion on this coral have only shown that few people know very much about Goniopora anatomy.

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whatever you do don't touch it, it will sting, and it HURTS.


Only fireworms sting and they are bright red. Bristle worms are great scavengers and sand sifters. There is absolutely no reason to remove them unless you see them eating coral (which is highly unlikely).

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Only fireworms sting and they are bright red. Bristle worms are great scavengers and sand sifters. There is absolutely no reason to remove them unless you see them eating coral (which is highly unlikely).




If this worm was found living in my LR scavanging through the sand I wouldnt be very concerned. This worm however has decided to make its home INSIDE a coral that is hard enough to keep alive.


So I can do three things.

1. Lure it out of my Coral & Trap it.

2. Put in a Banded Coral Shrimp and cross my fingers that it doesnt damage the soft coral.

3. Leave it in there and hope some Symbiotic relationship exists, and the bristle worm knows that its in its own best interest not to kill the coral it's made a home out of. (ie. Coral Dies, you Die!)


What would you do if you woke up one morning to find this guy sluping on your coral?

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IF it is a bristleworm, there are varing opinions on whether or not you would want them in your tank, most people don't want them around, there are Bristleworms traps out there, whatever you do don't touch it, it will sting, and it HURTS. Marinedepot carries the trap


Hope this helps



I think the general opinion is that bristle worms are great dertivores and most people DO want them. They add diversity to the tank and don't harm anything exept on a VERY rare case. That's from my experience and my research on this board anyway.

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It is believed to be a type of syllid worm. (syllid polychaete) They are occasionally found on Goniopora. It has not been shown that they do any harm to the coral....maybe irritate the tentacles somewhat.


It is not a feeding mechanism of the coral.



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It is believed to be a type of syllid worm. (syllid polychaete) They are occasionally found on Goniopora. It has not been shown that they do any harm to the coral....maybe irritate the tentacles somewhat.


It is not a feeding mechanism of the coral.





Thanks! The worm stays!

The Goniopora is still alive and well and no noticable die off of any kind has been recorded. I'm falling for this coral. Im just glad I got him out of the LFS when I did!


I went back to the LFS a couple days ago to visit it's brothers/sisters (about 6 of them) and they look horrible now :mellow: , some die off and not fully extended. Mine fully extends and appears to be in great shape doesing my tank with the Reef Chilli stuff opff ebay. If my tank wasnt so small Id grab another one.







There were TWO OF THEM!!! One is enough for me, so I suctioned the big one off and here it is.

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