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Problem with frogspawn


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I have had my frogspawn now for about 4-5 months. The last few days the polyps have been shriveled and now the tissue is receding exposing skeleton. I think about the same time my xenia shrunk, but it looks like it will come back. The tank has been up and running for about 7-8 months but I have moved the tank about a month ago.


Here are some stats on my tank:

18 gallon acrylic cube with 3 gallon sump integrated

CPR clone skimmer running 24/7

Lighting: 2 x 32 watt (one 10k one actinic) on 12 hours per day.


test results from seachem reef basic test kit, ca test, and hydrometer, SG 1.024, temp 78 F, pH 8.2, Alk 3 meq, Nitrite 0, Nitrate < 0.1, free ammonia 0, Total Ammonia <0.1, Ca ~470 mg/L.


Other inhabitants: mushrooms, xenia, woods polyps, yellow star polyps, green star polyps, sarcophyton, galaxia, cabbage. hermits and snails (no fish)


Other than the xenia shrinking and frogspawn deteriorating everything else looks fine. I don't feed my tank very often since my pepermint shrimp died, just phytoplex once a week or so.


Any ideas?


I'll post a picture of the tank and frogspawn tomorrow.

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A PIC will deff help.

Depending on how it is splitting and receeding, it may be geting ready to split. I did a thread on this back in MAY of 2002. its nearly impossible fer ME to find it, but the link still exist. It has pictures too.... something to the effect of "BLISTERS"


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Yeah I searched the archives and didn't find anything helpfull. Here is a picture. It looks worse today and the lights have been off for a while, so it is more deflated than I have ever seen it.

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With small frags like yours, it seems often the case that the coral is damages when broken off. It usually takes awhile until the effects maybe seen. Euphyllia are strange, it seems like they do this often. IF it does die, don't throw the skeleton away, I have had 2 such frags sprout new tissue with a bunch of little hammer corals ringing the old skeleton.

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hicksonj , lights are 4 months old...


sjpresley, thanks for the info, I hadn't heard that.. yeah I planned on leaving it in there. There are small buds forming all around the base that hopefully will survive.


Thanks again for the insight!

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what are you dosing with?


what are your PO4 readings? they could be poisoning the frog. and i'd try to bump the alk even higher if possible.


what kind of filtration (specifically chemical) are you using? you've got some traditional chemical competition in there. (i.e. macroalgae, shrooms, galaxia, etc.)

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I feel like I've seen a few Euphyllia spp that seem to be in ideal water conditions (all testable specs good) but decline and die and always seems to be very near to soft corals. When two of my shrooms fell past my torch and landed right below it, the torch receded for a day or two. Even now if I disturb the shrooms the torch shrinks up. Just a guess (nothing more!!!) but I wonder if Euphyllia are particularly sensitive to soft coral toxins?

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tinyreef, I dose with Two fishes sea elements, iodine, and strontium. I don't have a phosphate test but I will get one this weekend. I do have some carbon in the output path of my skimmer but havent changed it in a long time, I'll put some fresh stuff in there today. Thanks!!!


sounds like the leathers and mushrooms maybe the culprit without stronger water flow to keep the slime of the frogspawn. I've got a couple of stronger pumps I'll put on the return and skimmer.


Thanks for all the advise guys!!

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Soft coral toxins/contact could definitely be a culprit. Water changes are really the only way to reduce them.


Thing is that i have 2 single head that died off, and since regrown all the while I have never moved the skeleton and actually added more soft/leather corals. In my case, a peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemani) was bothering the corals at night and may have helped speed up their demise.

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its a goner d00d.

don't let it melt in you tank. they seriously mess up W/C in small tanks.

Did ti fall over and wack any rocks recently? it looks fairly precariously stood there.

I'd say your softies are wacking it with terpenoids and chemical warfare. ###### happens.

sorr fer yer loss.

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My frogspawn has not been opening up all the way for the last 2 days. Could you explain (or maybe give me a site with info on)terpeniods and the whole chemical warfare thing that you are saying soft corals can produce. Still learning but I havn't read any thing on that subject. Thanks

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Dave - It looks better today than it has in the last week, so I am watching carefully and leaving it in there. It has not fallen over the base is in the substrate about an inch or so. I still haven't changed the pumps or carbon but I will get to that soon... (I'm a lazy bastard)

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