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When should I introduce a Prizm Skimmer into my 10g?


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I have a 10g FOWLR and it is currently in the initial cycle.


its only been a week and it has 12 lbs of live rock in there. I am not using live sand however.



Only mechanical device i have in there besides the heater is a Powerhead for water surface agitation.



I want to get a skimmer and the prizm seems to be the most popular, and yes, i am prepared for the prizm and its flaws.




I am wondering at what time is the best to install the skimmer?


As soon as possible?


Or after the cycle?


Or a few weeks after the fish and clean-up crew is added in?





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dave, you have to calm down buddy!!!!


he's new to the board and your scaring him already...

your comments discourage people to learn in this board..


if you look at his profile..he has only 13 post..which means "NEW" meaning, he's at the point where he ask questions. and lots of it...

not many people that go here have time to read everybody's post like you do...

so it is possible and will always be possible that you will have many repeat questions in this board. because they just want info..and no time to read.




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Originally posted by Dave ESPI

d00d..... stop trolling.....this board is NOT for catering to drooling LOLERSKATERS.... and do some research.. THEN ask. please. ???




LOL, that reminds me of the simpsons episode with the FIGHTING SIEZURE ROBOTS!


RLiu818, http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/search.php?s=


And, http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/forumdispl...p?s=&forumid=17 . This is the link for the beginners forum. :) Dave might not try to make you flop around on the floor if you post your basic questions here. :)

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Originally posted by SnowReefer





hi-five to southern cali reefers rlui818! woot! :woot:


welcome to nano-reef.com i think you just got baptized.




who ya calling a *****??? i haven't seen any "moderators" running around lately... who else is going to keep things orderly.


note: it's easy to say that this dave guy is a jerk. we're all peons and that christopher-marks guy is the king. unlike other boards, run by corrupt "police," here everyone keeps each other in check, things are always meant in good humor.


Originally posted by the guy with the picture... dave

.....this board is NOT for catering to drooling LOLERSKATERS....


translation: i think the dave guy is referring to rlui818's most recent posts. for example, a thread asking "which skimmer should i get" followed up by this thread, "when do i introduce my skimmer".... ETC. and is suggesting these questions can be simply, if not instantly, answered with a click and a tippity tap on the keyboard.

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Sice all the love was noticed and replied to, Thank you. :happy:

If a board is measured by the quality NOT quantity of post and replies,

then it would make sense for people to open older post, and simply add to them. the "NEW REPLIES" icon is for notification of such event on the message board. a RELATED HIJACK in a thread is ok and highly recommended as it adds to the quality of existing threads.


aparently this concept (and my board roundabout way of making a point) is sinking in..... yaaaayyyyyy !!!!


To answer Rl's question.... you can add a skimmer at any time.


is anyone going to answer or just ***** about it especially the guy with the picture....dave ?


Trevor, SnowReefer, are your fingers broken or do you just want to make light of your ignorance about skimmers? :rolleyes:

I believe a link was given by Adin, OR you could have answered it too. ;)

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Hey RLiu818, sometimes you just have to ignore these guys. I will try to tell you what they are saying, but I will do it nicely. Look around on the site, there is a lot of good info that you can search specifically for. Although, your question would even be hard for most of these people to answer by looking through threads.


Skimmers won't do much at first, which is why I assume you have not purchased one yet. Once you start getting excessive proteins in the water will it become necessary. I would wait about 2 months, heck, a lot of people here like me don't even run them. We just stay on top of our water changes.


Welcome aboard!


Just play around on the site a little bit and try searching. Some of your answer can be answered by previous people. If you have any questions about the site or just have a question. PM me!

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I have 3 skimmers! They only come around in the summer though. They are about 4 feet tall and don't speak english very good but they sure do keep the surface of the pool really clean with those big nets at the end of those long polls. Since you are from S. Cali, I would say you can probably get a skimmer at anytime, but keep a good eye on it, if your not looking they tend to slack off.


Sorry, I felt the urge to do that. Anyway as stated anytime is cool.

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If you plan on having a skimmer get it now and use the cycling time as it's break-in period. Most prisms will take a few days-couple weeks to quiet down and stop throwing micro-bubbles in the tank.


Might as well break it in before it matters...


By the way, I have a Prism on my 10G and I like it just fine, no troubles to speak of, quiet, efficient skimmer.

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Originally posted by LiQuiD

I have 3 skimmers!  They only come around in the summer though.  They are about 4 feet tall and don't speak english very good but they sure do keep the surface of the pool really clean with those big nets at the end of those long polls.   if your not looking they tend to slack off..



Lazy 'migrants I went robo.... it never says NO.


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Originally posted by LiQuiD

I have 3 skimmers!  They only come around in the summer though.  They are about 4 feet tall and don't speak english very good but they sure do keep the surface of the pool really clean with those big nets at the end of those long polls.  Since you are from S. Cali, I would say you can probably get a skimmer at anytime, but keep a good eye on it, if your not looking they tend to slack off.


Sorry, I felt the urge to do that.  Anyway as stated anytime is cool.



they will also leave your dog pregnant if you ain't watching.


classic liquid, classic.


Oh and after swallowing my tongue working my way thru seizure city, I would like to say thanks but I can't because I swallowed my damned tongue.

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