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My First Nano Reef


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I an new to both Nano Reefs and saltwater so I decided that it would be better to come to you guys for information and my questions rather that trial and failure on my own. I have a freshwater 10 gal tank that I would like to convert to a Nano-Reef and put a small Clown fish or two in there. For a filter in the tank right now I have a Penguin 125 Bio Wheel. It says it is good for up to a 30 Gal tank so I think it will do fine. If that is too much I also have a Mini Bio Wheel which is supposed to be enough for a 20 gallon tank. The only problem is im not sure if these filters will work with salt water. I also have an UnderGravel filter to go with it. My LFS sells crushed coral for substrate, and I think I can find some live sand to mix with it. What do you guys think I should do for the filteration and the substrate. Also what kind of coral and fish should be in it. I just want a few small colorful fish. Hopefully a clown or two and somthing bright yellow.



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Hey, welcome to the board. There have been books written to answer your questions. To get you in the right direction I would suggest reading the info section on this board....http://www.nano-reef.com/articles/ . This should help answer a bunch of questions, as well as making you ask a few more specific ones, which I wold be happy to help you with the best I can.

Welcome to Nano-Reef and good luck;)


Here's your clown

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Yeah! what he said! I used 2 hang on filters with no media and no bio wheels until I got a power head then removed them. Don't use the UGF either get about 15 to 20 pounds of aragonite (special grade reef sand) and 15 to 20 pounds of good live rock IO salt mix and then after your test's are good start adding the clean up crew Slowly! Tracker

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