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Cultivated Reef

Anemone Nano-Reef


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I already have a 24 gallon tank set up, and I know basic care for corals, etc.


Is it possible to set up a 10 gallon anemone tank with a small anemone and pair of clowns, aside from the fact that anemone's are difficult to keep? I don't want one in my main tank with corals, so I wanted to set up a separate one.


Thanks for any help.

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I think you'll probably be happier with one anemone in a nano than one in a bigger reef. (My condy keeps wandering back into the caves behind all the rocks where it's invisible and I'm scared it'll die back there so I keep having to tear up my reef to dig it out).


Just make sure your nano is big enough for the anemone and the anemone is big enough for the clowns. The anemones sometimes get the short end of the stick from the clowns.



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