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My Getto 5.5G Nano reef pic's (Getto cam to so bear with me!)


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Please bear with me with this piece 'O' doo-doo camera of mine!

Feel free to give me advice on what to do better and what you see the needs adressing.




2 13watt 6500k (work light bulbs very narrow spectrum I know!) PC'S.


50watt HOB piece 'O' doo-doo hagen heater.


very small fountain pump to aid water movement.


prizm skimmer (on the tank but not used it is awaiting its new home on my in planning stage 29g reef)


Diy hood and base. painted flat black primer awaiting a good coat of gloss and poly.


Penguin 110 mini bio-wheel HOB. All media.


Roughly 8 pounds of , Fijii , Tonga, Tonga slab, Marshall, one piece of nice blue ride coral skelleton rock covered in some sort of vert fine carpet like green, lime greem, blue , yellow and bright orange algae in the lower left. and one piece of some kind of shroom skelleton rock in the upper right.


Inhabitants: 3 hermitt crab's, 2 red legged, 1 blue legged.

1 emerald crab ( was formerly thought to be the infamous hairy crab) ( I only bought 1 redlegged the rest were all hitch hickers!)


1 piece of small Pulsing Xenia ( just got it today no pic yet.)


1 red with blue mandable and blue ringed disk shroom ( middle left)


1 red with blue spot's shroom (bottom center on snail shell)


1 very nice pink with green tip's hairy shroom ( center right.)


1 red sea matt polyp rock ( right bottom.)


4 nudy branches very small and impossible to get a good pic of and still know what the hell it is! :)


2 astrea snails


1 yellow baby ball sponge ( just above the red blue ringed shroom in the upper left.)


7 ( what I call) Tube anenomes right beside the polyp rock on the bottom right.


and 1.5 gazillion copepods!!!!! The little f-ers are every where! ACK!! cant breath.....there....choki...ng....m....eee.....!!!! :)

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Sorry I just hogged up so much space! Please dont boot me off here! I think I did it the right way but I am no puter expert nore a very good picture taker! all coments welcome and apreciated.

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But looks, well...Hmmm. SHAKY!


Try moving a chair near your tank and setting the camera on books on the chair. If it has a timer on it, point it at what you want, hit the timer, and step back so your hands don't shake it! If it hasn't got a timer, just relax, exhale, rest arms and camera on the chair, get comfortable, push button sloooooowly and gently.


Should be able to get better photos that way. I was lucky, I bought a camera to shoot little painted toy soldier dudes 28mm tall, so once I tripodded it for stability it does GREAT tank photos.


But just bracing should help a bunch.


Be well!



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thank's! The camera is only 1.3 mega pixels. It realy is a piece of crapola! :) takes close ups like is was traveling in a car and trying to get a drive by photo. I will try the chair Idea. ;)

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Nope its made of some sort of polymer. It is totaly water proof. Got it for 10 bucks at the flea markett. I am thinking of buying a bunch and selling them on E-bay. Everyone that has seen it wants one too. Thatnk you for the coment as well. All are welcome. I apologize again for the blurry pic's! ;)

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nice setup, i wouldn't call it 'ghetto' tho, it's good. ;)


that 'tube' anemone doesn't really look like one. um, it kinda (fuzzy pic) looks like a honking big aiptasia. :

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Yeah thats what I found out it was yesterday after looking at a lot of pics. There are like 8 of them on one tiny little rock. So far they havent spread or mooved off the rock. It is in the middle of the tank and not touching any thing but sand. Do they spread like mad and become a real big problem? btw thanks for the compliment . :)

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