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Coral Vue Hydros

Prizm HOB Skimmer?


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Thinking of getting a prizim hob skimmer. Has any body had any problem with them, pleased ,or displeased with its proformance?

I'm thinking this is the best route for me to take. I've been feeding my clowns frozen foods they seem to be happy but that damn alge(would you believe I have alge in my tank lol:P )been building up mainly on my sand bed. I'm also feeding my tank DT's twice a week. also planning on getting frogspawn and hammer coral both of wich has to be fed. So I'm thinking of going the skimmer route to take care of the left overs. Any way , info on the prizm or any other HOB skimmers ya'll would suggest would be great thanks guys:)

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Try using the....



PS: Hope this helps :happy:

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There are mixed reviews on the Prizm. I have it and I like it, though I don't have experience with any other skimmers. It makes my tank water look better than my old HOB filter with carbon. In addition, I like the oxygenation properties. I find it easier to keep my Ca/Alk levels good.


Few notes, frogspawn and hammers don't eat phyto, they eat zooplankton. Also, the skimmer doesn't exactly get rid of "leftovers". You should have a cleaner crew, sand bed, etc for that.

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I haven't got the hammer and frogspawn yet ,but your right about the zooplankton. I,m just currently feeding some of the feather dusters and softies the DT's. Thanks for the info on the skimmer I guess I didn't think about the whole search thing I just had a question and I posted it. Thanks JoeyG :)

Dude, do you have any pics of that 12" bristle worm I'd like to see that sucker!



I don't let Jerks like Dave ESPI bother me. Just try'in learn man! B)

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Thanks for the info guys. Didn't really think about it being loud, I guess I need to consider that, thanks. Do you run your skimmer 24/7 or do you run it on some type schedule?

Thanks guys for the reply:)

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I run it 24/7. The Prizm is kind of loud, but its not an awful sound. I'm a sound sleeper; the skimmer is literally right next to my head while I sleep and it doesn't bother me. The only time I turn it off is when I feed plankton.

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I have a SeaClone 100 (yeah yeah yeah, may as well not have one). I run it with the lights because of the noise. Granted, I'm a newbie, but ... when I ran it 24/7, I noticed that for big parts of the day, it wouldn't foam. Running it for 12 hours, it's pretty much always pulling something out. I do my water change on Sunday; by Saturday, the skimmate is pretty interesting :o


Just a thought. If I'd had the money, I would've got the Prism ... and put it on an even shorter timer :P

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I have been using a Prizm skimmer for almost 8 months now.


At first I didnt think it was good as a few people claimed. However, over the months it performance has increased.


It is now pulling out THICK black tea!

I am quite happy with its performance.


At first it does need getting used to. You have to set the water flow low etc etc. I now have the water flow on almost full throttle - with no bubbles in tank etc etc.


I now safely recommend it as a cheap option.

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