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Help me with Zoo Placement


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I've had these zoo's for a couple of weeks now. I initially placed them on the bottom of the tank in the sand and they seemed to be doing ok, but some of the green zoo's were losing their color. I let them adjust for a little over a week and slowly moved them up to where they are now which is about 1/3 of the way down from the water line of my 6gal tank on one of my rocks. They seem to be doing ok and the green coloring is starting to perk up, but i've noticed that a couple of the zoo's have opened ALL THE WAY UP (they kinda look like the middle of a sunflower if that makes any sense). It looks like they've tucked their "feelers" under themselves (almost like turning themselves inside out).


Is that ok, or is that a sign that they're not happy with their new location? They are all open, just some are more open than others. Forgive my ignorance, but I'm new to zoo's and don't know what to look for when they're happy or not.


Thanks in advance :)

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Ummmm-------------------WOW:oLook an edit button----/---


Originally posted by GadgetGuy

Take two...


Sorry.... just thought I'd point that one out for ya:)

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