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Coral Vue Hydros

How much should i be spending???


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Ugh.... Don't buy a bag of live sand. Buy regular sand or aragonite and then seed it with a little live sand from another tank.


You can do this with rock too.;)

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I shop in Canada occassionally (my gf lives in Guelph...you anywhere near there??), and $10/lb for LR is about the best you're going to find at an LFS. Rock is darn expensive in Canada. (duties have to be paid, etc..just a PITA) I agree on the not buying LS..I'd buy some dry sand and then find a local reefer to donate a few cups of LS to seed your tank with. As far as the snails go....you can usually get them for about $2 each...again..more expensive than in the States..but again..for the same reasons. And with shrimp..it really depends on the species. The Lysmata spp. shrimps usually sell for roughly $10..which is comparable to the US prices I've seen...but as far as Coral Banded shrimp goes..the Canadian prices are a bit ridiculous...I've seen some for upwards of $35...and the same shrimp over in the States is $10....so just be careful on that front.



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ok, this LFS i went to most recently in Windsor's prices are friggen rediculous!


for the snails they wanted $10/ snail

and Blood shrimp $99


even for Cichlids for my FW tank were $20 each!


I dont think im going to shop!

although they have a nice selection and all, its not worth it!


well thanks a lot guys

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