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Cultivated Reef

My tank pics!!!!


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Tank: 7 gallon(not sure how many gallons, custom made by myself)

Light: 1 9 watt PC, 3 13 watt PC (total of 48 watts)

Filtration: Millennium filter (no media)

1 mini-jet pump

Tronic 25w heater

10lb premium fugi live rock

not sure how many lbs of live sand(about an inch)

Ones a week gallon water change. And I sometimes dose with Calcium, Iodine, and Strontium and Molybdenum



1 small clown goby(ill try to get a pic of it)


Clean up crew

3 Austria snails

2 hermits

and 1 coral banded shrimp

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Yes, its cubed shape. It started off as a 10 gallon the measurements before were 12 X 16 X 12. I decided to cut it, becasue the rock work wouldn't come out right. And not enough light would penatrate. So I decided to cut it. Now its 12 X 12 X12 and im guessing its 7 gallons. Is there anyway to make sure?



No the CBS doesent eat any of my corals. But it sure punks the hell out of my small clown goby. To say the truth im looking to get rid of it.

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wow very nice. Is the tank glass or acrylic?? It looks awesome. Do u have any more pics of your setup?? Could you maybe go into detail about building the tank?? I love the way it looks...:)

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Its a acyrlic. And i dont recomend it. It scraches to easily. I didnt make the aquarium. I bought it as a 10 gallon for like 100$$. Then I decided to cut it. Due to the fact that enough light wouldnt penetrate. And I couldnt get the aquascaping right. I can take a pic of the millennium filter if you want.

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