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Does having a cold/flu affect fish/inverts/corals?


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Pretty simple question I never see asked, because everyone except me knows the answer :blush:


If it does affect them, what would happen.




/me sneezes into the tank :*(

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But I kind of doubt they would survive in a normal seawater concentration. Most of them are infectious when airborne not sure seawater would be as kind. I still wouldn't go spitting in the tank but as far as small amounts of germs expelled when you cough sneeze, I doubt it's any big deal.

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It actually can severly affect your tank. If you are sick to the point where you become clouded in your thoughts and aren't thinking straight, you might accidently add too much salt to your mix, or top off with sw instead of fresh, or even dose incorrectly. If you think I'm being stupid, just ask crakeur what his tanks experience was the last time he was really sickhttp://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...=&threadid=4449 ;)

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I got ick from one of my fishes the other day. How discomforting! I had to treat it with malachite green, and was looking like a martian all week. Too bad it was not halloween. Anyway, it went away. Now I have to deal with some hole-in-the head disease my oscar gave me. Now that is something serious!

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I also gave my clown a stomach flu virus, he was hugging a hole in the live rock and throwing up all day.:x His fever has dropped from 83 degrees back to the normal 80 degree tank temp so I think he is feeling better.


No, you can not get your fish sick from your germs.

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Originally posted by Brianc_4

If you think I'm being stupid, just ask crakeur what his tanks experience was the last time he was really sickhttp://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...=&threadid=4449 ;)


Yup, that was me. Thanks for bringing it up. While the results sucked, the fever was kind of cool. I will now and forever swear that I heard Comfotably Numb playing like background music to my life.

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