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Shallow(lagoon type) nanos?


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Has anyone done a small lagoon tank? My LFS has a large one and I'd like to put one together, maybe 10 gallons or so. I looked at a 20g long and thought it may work but I'd prefer something more square and not as high. I suppose most nanos are shallow, hopefully you know what I mean.


If anyone has one I'd love to see some pics of your setup.

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No pics, sorry, but I can descibe one for ya....


I have a tank that was 24x24x6 for around 1.5 years and it was very cool. I used a 175 pendant halide to light it and the tank had a center overflow that ran down to a sump.


I basically placed LR around the perimeter and keep the middle all open for clams. I had a few fish, some shrimp, hermits, snails, etc in there and it was pretty sweet looking since most of the critters hid behind the rock which would be in my viewB).


That tank was so much fun to watch....kinda want to do it again soon. The stand actually broke so the tank came down.



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Sound like a great idea to me as well. But with a 10-gallon shallow tank, you'll have alot more surface area which = alot more evaporation. So be sure to see Physh1 for a float switch.


Keep us posted.

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I was planning on diong one of these too coincidentally. I wanted to make it shallow but deep enough to plant some seagrass. I was fiddling around and came up with dimensions of 48x24x10 which would be about 50 gallons. In addition to seagrass I wanted to maybe try keeping some shallow water sponges and some clams and maybe a mandarin if I can get enough stuff living in it. Alternate plan was to make it longer bu narrower front to back like 72x16x10. I'd be really interested to hear about your progress if you do it.

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have you thought about a deeper tank and make up the diff with a dsb? 10" ain't much when you add in 1"~2" sandbed. breeder tanks are a good choice imo.


the profile reef i've been toying around in my head would include a lagoonal section but i was going to prop up the sandbed and stuff the plumbing underneath to get the shallowness (very much like fossa & nilsen's design). you could do that with a regular tank if a custom is too much $$$ imo. hth

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interesting point. I think this might benefit from a remote DSB so you wouldn't suck up as much display tank space. I was going more for a (well as much as possible) accurate laggon representation. Was either going to do indo pac , florida or carribean. Another idea keep the DSB in it, raise the side panels up and make a deeper base out of wood or what have you to cover the DSB. Actually DSB are interesting but in this case I would be able to live without it. I just didn't want to go too high so I could maximize light penatration for the clams. I am planning the substrate to be mixed fine sand and some actual ocean/marsh mud I talked my dad into sending me from ocean city. He thinks im nuts to have him send a gallon jug of mud through the mail. /shrug heh

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Country Critters out on Long Island has a Fuge type tank set up that houses sea horses. This tank is deep from back to front and wide but not tall at all. I have seen pictures of similar set-up on the web at custom tank design sites.

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