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another newbie and a micro-reef....


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I've been kicking the idea around for quite some time, and have succeded in keeping Chiclid tanks in the past. But, like most I've always had the passion for a reef tank...... now that time has finally come.


I won an auction on ebay for a 12 gallon eclipse with the standard setup, except... they already retro-fitted a power compact sealife (quad bulb-27 watts) with external ballast. The unit should arrive in about a week and plan to get busy with it..... I'm excited to say the least!


First order of buisiness, is buying a brand new bulb, and a master test kit..... please keep in mind that i know very little about keeping a reef (otherwise i wouldn't be here, right?). I think the lighting will be sufficient, but I've read that I should nix the bio-wheel and replace with an additional cartridge (something about too much nitrate from the bio-wheel). I also plan on adding a power head to the tank to help with water movement. I know that water changes should be frequent.


So, where do I go from here? I have no idea which bulb would be best for my tank, 5000k, 6700k, 7000k, actinic? I'm a little lost, but I wouldn't mind my tank having that nice blue ocean tint to it. Is there anyway to simulate dusk/dawn with my current lights? I also plan on putting the light on a timer, how long should the intervals be for lighting? How much live rock, crushed coral, live sand..... etc should i use? Also wondering about the live sand itself, I've used a syphon (sp?) for cleaning, but wouldn't this just suck up all the sand? Can I add live rock right away, or should I wait, what is a hearty fish for breaking it in? How many fish, inverts, corals should i keep in a tank this size? What are some good ones? ANY input, thoughts, and opinions is appreciated!


Well, your answers to most of these questions should keep me busy enough for a while, and I'm sure I'll have plenty more later. First time visitor to the site, and you guys really seem to be my best source. Thought I would go ahead and stay ahead of the game..... I plan on taking photo's as the tank matures and keeping you guys updated all along........


More later,


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I know this sounds dumb but........ how the heck do you attach the corals to the live rock? Also, should I be worried that any of the critters/corals will sting me? May the laughs start here......

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Really dumb, dumb question here........ I just moved to Virginia, and advantages of living on the ocean here? Will real ocean water be good for the tank, assuming I test it before adding?


Waiting for that FAQ's, and might need to change my nick after this one....... yes, I've utilized the "search" functions..... so be nice, I'm trying!

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Also, I've been having a bit of trouble locating anyone who sells the CSL power quad lights, and I've yet to see any 50/50. Maybe you could point me in the righ direction. Sorry for all the questions, and thanks!

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unfortunately they don't make a 27W power quad in a 50/50...one of the great mysteries of the universe. you'll prolly be best off with the 6700K daylight bulb

(http://www.championlighting.com/e/env/0001...ng/pclamps.html) but you'll want to fit some sort of actinic supplemental light in there. your best bet might be a 13W bright light kit from ahsupply.com-some of the sealights come with a 27W and a 9W-and in this case you go 27W 6700K and 9W Actinic. this is why they've yet to wake up and sell the 50/50 power quad. maybe some day they'll remove their heads from their...butts. the quickest fix might be buying that 27 and 9 kit-by the time you buy new bulbs and the 13W brightlight-wire it up and get annoyed with how messy it looks you might wish you had just paid the $70. here's the best deal i've seen on it so far (http://www.reefgeek.com/products/categorie...ting/10806.html). i know this isn't exactly what you wanted to hear but if you're planning on keeping corals you'll need both actinic and daylighting.


couple other things cuz i only have a moment-like gobies said-the seachem marine basic kits a good one n pretty cheap-check around online (exoticfish.com, ffexpress.com, etc)


you're gonna want to use a synthetic salt mix and ro water for your tank. find a good LFS and they may have it premixed for you to save a lot of hassle-alot of us nano-reefers do it this way. getting water pure enough (free of sediment and pollutants) for a reef is rather labor intensive and involves travelling a good distance out to sea. sometimes large public aquariums have seawater for the taking, just an idea. what ever you do test your source water carefully because there's a lot of crap that'll make your nano very unhappy!


and unless you're allergic most corals aren't gonna inflict a serious injury to a human. many are capable of stinging and killing smaller fish or inverts but even this you'll rarely encounter in your nano-at microscopic levels yes-at naked untrained eye levels no. they can be attached to rock in a number of ways. some corals are perfectly happy just sitting and their weight keeps them in position. others might require a lil superglue gel (yep) or epoxy (special underwater stuff-Two Little Fishies makes one brand Aquastick) HTH!


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Wow, thanks for all the useful information....... rest assured I've got a lot of reading to do! So, I should go with the 6700k light over the 7100k ultra actinic? It doesn't say on champion lighting's website that it is a 7100k "actinic", but I looked at CSL's website where it said it's available in a 7100k ultra actinic bulb http://www.customsealife.com/NewFiles/sealights.html. Anyway, thanks for all the help, and I'll keep you posted!

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yeah those color temperature numbers are really decieving. if you used the 7100K (actinic) bulb you would only get a dim ultra blue violet appearance. neither you or your critters would be very happy.

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hold up...should have thought of this earlier. doh...the stock eclipse 12 is illuminated by a 13W PC light! and you could easily find a 13W actinic to pop right in there. that is if they didn't remove it (the ballast, socket and stuff) during the retrofitting-no good retrofitting reefer in his/her right mind would! the more light the better! if they did remove it, see if it could be replaced. we have some great marineland reps up here in the midwest that would help me out with such a problem so you might check in your area. otherwise i'd recommend taking a screwdriver with you next time you visit Petsmart and gutting one of their new ones. they won't mind-that or buy one, then return it saying "what the....its missing the light, i want my money back!" hehe:D


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