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Quarentine Tank


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Is a quarentine tank a real necessity? I really like the idea of having second place to house troublesome specimens, but is the hassle of the QT worth the effort?

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d00d.... don't make me beat you.....


Quarentine is VERY important. I never add anything to my "show" tanks lest im 90% posetive that it is safe and free form disease or paracites.


make a mistake ONCE... you will learn a lesson that will cost you a small fortune.


I deal with near a thousand fish a year...... so in my case it IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. even if I wasn't supplying other peeps tanks, Id still quarintine. Set up a "ghetto" reef.

Tank, heater, PH, 2-3 established DEAD rocks, and a bare bottom (or barely 1/4 inch covered in sand) and a light if you want. Even if you don't add any medications, this will give you an observation period to see how the fish is doing before it gets lost in your rock work. Once in, a fish is VERY hard to extracate from a set up.... Esp, a new additions, as they tend to "lurk" more




PS, I love the new avitar ya have... I just might have to swipe it one of these days..:D

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It should be a rule, if you have a tank, you must have a qt tank. trust me, when sh** hits the fan you will be so happy you have one up and running. so many people lose fish cause they have to qt and by the time they get one the fish is dead.

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Yes, Get one! To make a long story somewhat short, I turned a quarentine tank into a nano a few months back, bought a small new fish for my fish only tank, figured what the heck net it and throw it in, I should get away with it, right? Nope, next day my favorite fish (Flame Angel) had ich on him, I knew I couldn't get a tank setup for him quick enough and it was too late anyway, now they were in the main tank (ich that is). I had to copper the main tank in hopes to cure. No corals in the tank, but it did have a good amount of coraline on the dead rock and I have several banished crabs and such in there that were evicted from my reefs. The crabs are still alive but needless to say my Flame Angel is no more. Kids were crying because they loved it, I was crying because the damn thing wasn't cheap and who knew what would be the next to go (and I liked the fish also). Bottom line is YES get one. Once it is set up, thats it, kind of forget about it. You can keep it in a closet and not really mess with it until you need to use it, IT IS A MUST!

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Liquid you just ruined your tank.

Way to go. X)

Copper absorbs into the rocks and is slowly released back out. you just ####ed away a LOT of $. you would have been better off

pouring drain-o in it.


There are products like RID-ICH on the market that are biodegradeable and reef safe as well as garlc elixirs and Fuken Cleaner shrimp d00d..... :x



You are back on my "NumbNutz ###### list"

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Ok, qtank really is a necesity if you plan on doing thins right.


GOOD TIP --> remember that transfering a fish to and from a qtank can be very stressfull to the fish, so make sure you don't skimp on this procedure, nor ignor its effects on the fish. Seriously just doing the transfer poorly can be more detrimental on the fish then anything else. Its all about Stress. Would serious suggest that you spend some time thinking about how to do it. I like to use Opaque bags to do it (ie not transparent). also do it with the lights in both tank being off. also dim the lights in the room..etc.. sounds extreme but i can't stress how detrimental stress on the fish can be.. basicaly its the cause of 99% of all our fish problems.

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No S**T! I know it is bad (for a reef tank that is, if I had done it to a reef tank), that was the point of the post. Also, stated that the crabs are still alive meaning I know it would kill them.....But it didn't:happy: . The rock was just plain large dead coral skeletons purchased at the LFS for a good amount of money I might add, and by placing a small rock in there several weeks ago (crab wouldn't let go), I introduced the coraline into the tank that I did not want to do in the first place. I want to keep my dead coral skeletons white and dead, not multi-colored coraline (they were starting to get grungy). I never said it was a fish only with LIVE ROCK, I never wanted the rock to be live to begin with and hoped the copper would kill off some of the coraline but it didn'tX) . So basically, the inverts didn't die, although I wouldn't have cared, nor did the coraline on the rocks which I wished would have happened. how do you say it Dave READ READ READ, where in my post does it say I added it to a reef tank. I have been in the hobby for a very long time and I am somewhat knowledgable as I hope you would have seen from my posts. Do you really think I would have poured COPPER into my REEF TANK:angry: I stated my old quarentine tank was now a nano reef so I had no quarentine tank and had to dose the FISH ONLY (with prisoner crabs) with the copper. So I fail to see where I ####ed away any money.


Numbnutz ###### List huh, C'mon man get a f'n life. I (as many many others here) get really sick of your childish know it all crap, with your "my book" garbage and calling everyone 'tards etc. Let's see some of your tanks (close up), member's section would be nice. I mean someone with all of your expierience should have tanks full of nice thriving corals right? I mean servicing all those tanks in your business and all, you should have gotten many a nice frag from all your clients tanks right? You complain about reefcntral.com all the time, why? Just couldn't come up with the right answers over where people know what they are talking about, or did they just get sick of you? Want to talk about s**t list, just get me going. It is just really nerve racking when someone who doesn't really read your post responds by calling you basically an idiot. Pay more attention to what is being said next time!

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Sorry Liquid... Thought you would catch the sarcasm in my post....


I KNOW it wasn't a reef, but if yopu ever decided to change it over, you will have to replace everyting. Copper will absorb into

EVERYTHING... even the silicone in the tank.

I was joking with ya..... sorry ya got ####ed.



Perhaps it is because you know Im right and in retrospect you were looking for sympathy, and got none.


Please by all means, belittle my knowledge some more, Gawd knows I need some humbling from some one I can learn from.


I don't go on RC because of stuff like this. YES INDEED there are a gret host of good/awesome reeefers there, but they are far out numbered.


There are many good forums OTHER than RC. I don't have the patience for that slow board, nor do I like the "WE ARE ALL CATTLE AND SHEEP THAT WILL FOLLOW WHATEVER THE CROWD TREND IS DOING" ideology there. You make an original post idea, or try to introduce sometning off the beaten path, and it is flamed into the stone age by neanderthal reefers.


If I'm "know it all" or simply the smartest one here, then pick a topic, start a thread in the ADVANCED forum, and pick my brain....

Prove how good people are, and quit the *****ing.. :D


Again, sorry.

PS: being on a ###### list is NOT a bad thing... its usualy only fer a day.. LOL



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