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When to give up hope on a Kenya Tree?


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I got a Kenya Tree delivered on Tuesday and it was bent over (which I think is normal when shipped) but it still hasn't stood up. How do I tell when it is dead?

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If you go to grab the base and it disintigrates and smells really really foul and slimy. they can take some time to recover.... try increased current or another brighter location... I recently lost yet another colt for no apparent reason.... its mind boggling at times.

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Cool. No mush yet ... actually looks rather nice except the bent over part. It's already near the top of my tank so I'll try adding some current.


Thanks dave.

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y'know, some are just born crooked and others are fragged 'cause of religious beliefs. :blush:


:D jk


give it some time to adjust. keep an eye on its color tho (greyish=not good) :(


how are the lights positioned vs. the tree. (btw i'm assuming it's a capnella). they really show their light preference by actively leaning and bending versus colts and nepths. if the branches are really long it may be a lemnalia or sinularia. the latter two would do better with more ca/alk (as would the capn).



how's your salinity? (i've noticed better health with lower) is that the same problem colt from that transhipper or is it that 'bermuda triangle' tank you had? are you using lugol's?


the frag i'm holding for you is from a pretty hardy mother colony. i haven't had much luck getting frags to stick but i've literally gots dozens of tiny frags floating around from my many various attempts. i finally 'went back' to toothpicks. ewww :x

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It is greyish.... :(

Feels fairly rough/tough skined.

It just slowly falls in the direction easiest for it to fall.


And yes it is a Capnella at about 2".

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still go with the higher flow imo. if you're not dosing iodine i'd start.


what's the difference in light from the lfs to your tank? (light shock?)


or if it was mail-order, how long did you leave the lights off after you introduced it into the tank? (ialways do 3~4 hours, no exceptions!)


give it another couple of days before you do anything radical imo. the body mass will start to shrink/thin if it's really bad. it would start bending right at the base (very bad!) versus midway or a lean (could be sleeping :) ). it probably just needs to acclimate. check on it at night, it may just be on a different photo cycle (i.e. indopacific time).

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Tiny, yeah... the salinity thing is a good point too. generaly keep a few of my tanks at RED SEA salinity, but I have seen better growth at 1.019 for some softies... Im in the process of lowering it

on a tank now. Thanks.

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