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Clam yes or clam no


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I went to the LFS and decided i wanted to get a clam. The store had two different species; squamosa and one maxima. I couldnt decide so i think i would like to get two. One of each. They are both very small the maxima was tiny like maybe an inch very very small. Never saw one so small. So my questions are can i keep both of them under 72W of light one actinic and one 10,000K daylight. My tank is a 10 Gallon. Also this is the most important thing of all. How established of a tank do you need. This is my biggest issue. Do you think i should start with just one then maybe get another. So depending on what you guys say determines if i get them. Thanks. Oh yeah by the way i also plan to feed them DT's Marine Phytoplankton. Thanks again.


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hey man,


clams, clams, clams....

How established is your tank and what are the specs about it except for your lights? also, what kind of lighting do you have? Im guessin you have 2x36watt pcs? Also, your water quality has to be pretty good because smaller clams use nutrients in the water more than they need light. The plan to feed DT's and phyto will be very helpful to your success with the clams.


One last thing, I would go with one at a time. First get the squamosa. Those and derasa clams are the easier type of clams to keep. See how the squamosa goes and if it does really well (you will notice that its doing well by very fast growth) then wait a little while and maybe add the maxima. Maxima and crocea's are the hardest clams to keep yet usually the prettier ones.

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My tank has been set up for two months. Everything seems to be in check. Water quality seems to be fine. I will test it tomorrow to make sure everything is perfect before doing anything. Lighting is 2X36W. I have two 404 minijets in there. 50W heater. 14.5lbs LR and 20lb LS. 3 baby blue legs 2 red legs and 5 astrea snails for a clean up crew. I also just got tongiht 2 Ocellaris clowns. Thank you for the info.




Where do you play Lacrosse, High school, College...

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If everything tests out well, like i said before, i would first go with the squamosa. See how it goes then maybe move on to others.


BTW, I play lax for highschool. Im a junoir and have been playing for about 6 years now. Great sport...

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Do you think my tank is established enough? Also what can I do to help ensure that it survives? Besides feeding it DT. Also how often should I feed it each week. I was thinking 2 3 times a week.


I was captain of my high school team for 3 years and now im trying to get my college to start a team. Next year it looks like. I love the sport.


Anything else about the clams I should know? Also how much harder is it to keep a maxima?

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Maxima don't seem to be any harder to keep than squamosa. It does seem though that the gold/brown clams do better under lower light conditions (= non-halides) than the blue/green clams.

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Guest AbSoluTc

sjpresley's comments I agree with.


Maxima's are not any harder than any other clam. Some just prefer more light than others. IMO - you can go with either 2 of the clams you mentioned without problems.


However, before purchasing make sure that there is not GAPING, PESTS or any other injury to the clam! Otherwise, you will have wasted a pretty penny.


Good luck,


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IMO, maximas have been harder for ME atleast.lol, I dont know why but IME, maximas are a litte harder due to the fact that they need more light. I also read in an article that maximas and croceas require more nutrient enriched food while they are young that a squamosa or derasa. I'll try and find that article...

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Guest AbSoluTc

When you go to buy your clam, if you can see through to the bottom of the clam from its oppening, its gaping and going to die soon.


You should NOT be able to see through the bottom of a clam. Ask the associate to pic up the clam so you can inspect the bottom. The clam should retract pretty quickly when disturbed. The only time this is not true, is if the clam has been in a tank for a very long time 2+ years. Clams will get used to being disturbed.


If there are any holes in the shell, do not buy it. This is a sign of predation from those pesky snails (I can't remember their names).


Make sure the mantle is of good color and healthy. If the clam is attached to a rock, make sure the associate does not rip it from its home. Either purchase it as a whole, or pass.


Other than that, you should be fine. :)


Have fun!

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You should be OK with the light for either clam. I have a maxima in a tank with 11 watts per gallon PC's that I recently moved up the rock wall for a couple days to get the bright white sand thing going and for the couple days it was raised it was shrively (they look wilted if they are getting too much light) I moved it back to the bottom after the sand and it is once again very happy. The bottom for my tank is however 7 inches from the light but you should be OK.


I would suggest though, since you are planning on feeding with DT's frequently (as you should), to take the clam out for feedings in a bowl. This will give the clam concentrated amounts and not foul up your water which may occur from such frequent feedings you would have to do (basically, make the water green and leave it in it for like a half hour). Clams are not as fragile as some would be led to believe and can be moved around from tank to cup for feeding with very little stress to the clam. When you grab them, they close (which they do do all day) and are sealed off from even knowing they left the tank and have been placed in a much smaller tank (cup or bowl of tank water...hint, do with water change schedule)when they re-open, just watch the temperature of the water.


Good luck!

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