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My clownfish bit me!

Smokey Joe

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Smokey Joe

In trying to make more room for my plate coral I was doing some fairly heavy aquascaping today, and probably moved about half of the rocks in my tank.  During the whole process my clownfish was wiggling frantically and about every 30 seconds or so would swim over and bite me.  It didn't hurt of course, but it was pretty funny seeing him defend his house like that.

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the 5 inch marron clown in my stores 2000 gallon reef can draw blood....ha ha not much but enough that you can see it bleed a little.

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Son Of Skyline

Heheh....My bicolor blenny tries to bite me all the time. It doesn't really hurt when he does, but it usually startles me and I always end up splashing salt water in my face!

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i have a puffer fish that used to bit me and it was big (nice size bite also) but now it eats out of my hand and if i leave hood open and dont feed him he spits water at me.  <edit> I can also pet him i think he likes it he doesnt even do fish stuff he just watches me at the front of the tank (god gave him a dog brain??)



(Edited by mysk at 7:19 pm on May 27, 2002)

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my clown does the same thing!  it kinda scares me sometimes when i put my hand in the tank. it catches me off guard.  it will eat frozen cube food from my fingers.  my goby, which i've had since nearly the beginning, will let me touch it on the head.  i think we gotta a trust thing going on.  whenever it tries to nip at my polyps i tap the glass and i think i'm training it to leave them alone.  either that or i'm just crrrraazyy.  anyway, anyone else able to pet their fish?  

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