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Nano vivarium with azureus darts


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Well, not quite nano in my book, it's 18"x18"x18"


Picked up 3 azureus for it today, they are from Under the canopy farms, they were at the atlanta pet show today








current light





background & waterfall on the upper right, 2 of the frogs sit on top of the waterfall right next to where the water runs over





view of the plants









not sure why thye like this spot, but if you look at the very top right, just to the left of the waterfall, you can see 2 blue dots, that's them, they like it up high I guess



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Lookin' good. You should cover the top of the viv, keep the humidity up. Also, on my exoterra, I siliconed the sides of the swinging doors so flies can't get out. I've got vents and retics, and they are so much fun!

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Lookin' good. You should cover the top of the viv, keep the humidity up. Also, on my exoterra, I siliconed the sides of the swinging doors so flies can't get out. I've got vents and retics, and they are so much fun!


I removed the windowscreen from the stock cover, replaced one end with plexi, the front is replaced with plexi in the center, and light blocking windowscreen on the right/left ends


the light blockign windowscreen keeps the flies in, but I do need to add a fan to one end, the front glass is fogging too much



the doors around all 4 corners, and top were all siliconed down to keep the fruit flies inside



I've not quite got the hang of how many flies to feed, I think I overfeed, or the frogs are too lazy to go search out the flies that scatter fast, I'm going to start putting in a piece of banana in the tank, to keep the flies around where I feed them

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that is great. a couple of years back i thought of going into the poison dart frog hobby. this thread revives those ideas. your set up looks awesome. beautiful plants and layout.

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The frogs look like they have a good weight on them. Since they are young, keep a close eye on them to make sure they are all eating daily. If one isn't eating, it could be aggression from the other two, in which case I would recommend separating the frog until he/she puts on more weight.


My PDF's are soooo lazy, they never hunt, all they want to is to be fed the flies on a silver platter. A banana is a good way to get the flies in one spot, that way the frogs will know where to look.


Anyone else intersted in PDFs should check out www.dendroboard.com


Lots of good stuff, your azureus look great!


Oh yeah, if you are gonna put a fan in the tank, I would get an automatic mister that mists at least 3 times a day to keep the humidity up over 90%. You'd be surprised how dry a fan can make a viv.

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I have a fogger now that turns on every 4 hours, when I mist the tank, the water on the plants is still on the plants the next day, I want to do a mister, I'm either going to go full auto, or this diy one




I really dislike the sphagnum moss, I want REAL moss of some type, any sugestions where to get it? I need a 12x12 area covered with the real deal



I use banana in the tank, the flies stick around that area, I have one frog that hides on the very top of the tank when we are home, but in the daytime he's out with the other two, not worried yet, but if he starts looking skinny he'll be coming out, I have not noticed agression from the other two



how old will these guys get before you can tell male from female? I'm thinking this one is male due to the distinct difference between front and rear toepads



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