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Fish Suggestions?


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Hey all

First, Im new so Hiya. I just wanted to know what some good fish for a 7 gallon I'm thining of starting. I like clownfish, would they be alright???


Anywho, thanks in advance


~~Kid B)

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Ocellaris or Percula clownfish are GREAT for nanos...in 7 gallons you could keep a single fish or, if you want to pony up a bit more cash, a MATED pair. Make sure its a mated pair and not just two random clowns..as members of the same sex will fight and not have enough room in 7 gallons to establish their own territories.



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You could try a baby Sperm Whale too. They're mammals, so you don't have to worry about dissolved oxygen or water quality.


Crakeur started it :happy:

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Hmm, maybe I can get a mated pair. I just hope they arent too much...(on a tight income :*( ) I thought moray eels grew to be to big for a nano. Just goes to show how much I really know. Hhhmmmmmmmm Baby whale......................I'll just leave that unanswered. I also have another question. Anyone have a ballpark price with a small powerhead and filter???


~~Kid B)

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Anyone have a ballpark price with a small powerhead and filter


Well WITH the small powerhead and filter I'd say ballpark for your 7 gallon would be about 3 to 400 bucks.


Um, by the way... Crak was just kinda yankin yer chain about the grouper and the eel... you know, like I am NOW. (although I'm really not if you think about it.... the whole package I mean, otherwise your PH and filter would be about 30 bucks "ballpark")

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You can probably get a mated pair of healthy tank raised clowns for about 40 bucks. I would avoid maroon clowns they tend to get pretty big IME , too big big for a 7g anyways.

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YHARR! *Shakes finger in threatening manner* You should know better than to pick on a newb!!!


Oh well, I guess it's better to know...


My heart practically blew up when I heard 300 bucks...


Anywho, thanks to all who posted, I'm thinkin of goin on a single clownfish.



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YHARR! *Shakes finger in threatening manner* You should know better than to pick on a newb!!!

Consider yourself lucky. I promise, that doesn't really qualify as being picked on. Hang out here a while and you'll learn that. Crak was just saying "welcome" B)


I'd say good choice with the clown. Def go with a perc or an ocellaris. Ocellaris (false perc. Amphiprion ocellaris Don't let the fish store tell you it's a perc. If you go to petco, these are labelled as perculas. Really obnoxious) are a few dollars cheaper generally, but IMO percs (true percula Amphiprion percula) are cuter. Just my $.02


When lookin for equipment, be sure to check out the sponsors. You can get some good prices on mail order stuff.


Best of luck and welcome.

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Hey, I've also noticed that some people keep gobies in nano-reefs. Would a 7-gal be too small for them? And what kinds of gobies would be good if it isn't?




(sorry bout all the questions!)

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Do a search for bowfront, and check out memebers pages at http://www.nano-reef.com/members/. You'll find a lot of great info and find out what works. Very helpful to compare what others have with what you want to find out what you'll need.


BTW the search button is the blue thing on the upper right corner of your screen. Looks like this: (sorry Chris, hope this isn't copyright infringement :) )

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Originally posted by glazer



Well WITH the small powerhead and filter I'd say ballpark for your 7 gallon would be about 3 to 400 bucks.


You'll probably come closer to $400 than to $30 when you add in your lights - or were you gonna only house a fishy in a glass box?





Sign a bunch of blank checks, go to the LFS and GIVE THEM AWAY. Go home happy and illuminated.

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