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Coral Vue Hydros

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I have a couple pieces of live rock in my tank that are turning Bright white in spots. It looks like powdered sugar but I try to wipe it off and the rock itself is turning white. What do I do?

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OK, this is fair warning......

you JUST joined, and have posted a LOT of noobie questions.try READING more and POSTING less.

Also the "search" buton should be your first resource before posting a question that was answered not that long ago.

If memory serves it was a post by TINYREEF.


I suggest you LURK MORE, lest the regulars here ignore your begs for spoon feeding sessions.


EDIT: for below response,

Ok, I'm just making light of the very close correlation between your FIRST post/ Join date and when that thread was up. ;)


The coraline algae may be going through a "Rebirth Stage" as Abs stated. It is possible the rock was exposed to air for too long and dried out, OR your lighting is too strong. Check the underside and shaded areas of the rocks and see if there is uniform loss. If so, lowered Ca is the culprite as well as bicarbonates.


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Dave, I found the thread you were talking about which was posted 4 days before I became a member. I usually browse around before I ask a question but I dont see all of the threads. I'm sorry to see that you feel the way you do. I just figured that it was easier to ask a question and then come back to the pc when I had time and hoped to see an answer to my question. But I guess I was wrong. If you or any of the "veterans" dont feel like answering my questions I guess there not a whole lot I can do.

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Guest AbSoluTc

Dont listen to him.


To answer your question, your corralline is dying. Perhaps due to a spike or another anomaly. If you just added your rock, this is also a cause.


With death, comes life. Remember that! Especially now that your a reefer.


All will be fine. :)

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But if my coraline is dying, Is it going to effect my coral or fish?

should I do something about it? The tank has only been up for 6 weeks and I'm adding coral vital every day to try to promote coraline growth. Everything else in the tank seems to be doing fine and my water tests fine.

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