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i got my mshroom coral and........


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i got a mushroom rock with allot of big shrooms on it and i want to know if i have to feed them and if yes then how? and what is best for them? would they accept mysis shrimp?.............and if i want some of them on another rock how can i get them on it?

thanks allot,:)

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Hmmm, I'm not posting this to answer majic's question. But I have a problem with the snobbish attitude some people on this board sometimes have.


The way I see it is if you don't like the question, or don't know how to answer, don't post a reply. The very least you could do, oxinyourbox, is post a link to another thread relating to this question. Or suggest a book. Just like you, I think that some individuals often take the easy route of asking a question on board like this instead of doing serious research. But there are other ways of encouraging people's interests than making fun of them.


Please make this a pleasent forum to consult.



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Try searching for feeding shrooms. Or better yet, try to search www.reefcentral.com for an article discussing the diet of different types of coral.


If I recall correctly, they don't eat zooplankton. It hink maybe phyto, and definitly disolved organic solids in the water.

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What did you search for? The short answer to your question is no you do not have to feed them as they feed from the nutrients in the water (for the long version read whatever you can. Not being an a$$ but I learned alot more from books (Palletta, Fenner, Borneman, Calfo:Authors) and alot quicker than thru the internet. The internet is a great source of information but sometimes a few good books are well worth the time and money spent in procuring and reading them.


In a few of your other posts everyone has reccomended that you read and research before jumping in and buying. The time spent letting your tank mature would be well worth it.


Here is a short article regarding mushrooms (however feeding is covered) as well as a list of most nano reef safe corals.


Post some pics of the setup as well. Pics always make the questions easier to answer :)


pmac-I agree. I was in too much of a hurry walking out the door to leave work to post what I have just posted with the links and reccomendations.

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ok thanks........ill put some picturse up as soon as i get them....im gonna look for a book when i go to lfs.

and for another tank(29gal.) i was gonna get a royal gramma and everyone said it would be fine but my friend said he read in a book that they are very hard to keep and shoudl be made illegal because they die so much

is that true? everywhere else that ive looked for info on them says there easy to care for and i just want to make sure that right before i buy one

thanks again,

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If you're going to get a book or two and need drystock goto www.marinedepot.com cheaper prices than any LFS I have seen and good customer service.


As for the royal gramma it will be fine depending on your bioload (what else do you have in there?) as well as tank maturity (as in don't mix water then add LR and LS and then the fish all at the same time but I'm guessing you knew that :)) in the 29G tank.

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A Gramma loreto (Royal Gramma is a fantastic fish for the newbie marine aquarist. They are not necessarily as hardy as the fish in the Damsel family, including Clownfish, however they are a very nice and hardy fish. Furthermore, the Gramma loreto is a non-agressive, docile fish which makes them a fantastic addition to a smaller tank. They are also reef safe :)


Provided that you follow most printed informational guidelines on setting up and establishing your first marine aquarium (all params look good, tank cycled, tank u[p for a minimum of four weeks, etc.) you can add the Gramma without cause for any concern. It is a great fish.


Following in OxInYourBox's plea to do some reading, a specific book that I would suggest would be "The New Marine Aquarium" by Michael Paletta. It is a fantastic book for the beginner as it includes some very valuable information in an easy read format.




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the 29gal. is 3 weeks old and all paremeters are good it has a small percula clown and next week ill get another percula and probably the royal gramma for it........ive seen that book you mentioned its about 20$ at the store so next time i go ill buy it


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