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Cultivated Reef

chlorine in system?


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I know, you will all think im an idiot, but im really worried so here it goes. I regenerated my purigen just like the directions said...50/50 bleach and water for 24 hours then rinsed and used seachems prime for 8 hours. this morning before I rinsed and put the purigen back in the system, I noticed that my xenia was not looking quite right, not as expanded as normal. Also some of my zoas were not open like usual. I didnt think much of it.


I put the purigen back in the tank and left for a few hours. When I came home, all the corals looked like crap (partially to fully closed) and the xenia was the worst. I immediatly thought that it might be cholrine. I took the purigen out and added extra carbon. I tested my water and it tested fine, but I still brought a sample to my LFS. Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 10ppm, dKh 11, Ph 8.2, specific gravity 1.024. Nothing has changed in my system (ie lighting, temp, feeding etc.) When I got home I did a 25% water change. I have been observing the tank since. The xenia looks even worse, and some of the zoas are opening partially for a while then closing then opening again. The LPS all keep deflating/closing the re-inflating/opening then deflating. I just noticed that the xenia is giving off some sort of red mist into the water on and off.


Sorry for the long post. Any advise or theories would be appreciated. Thanks.

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If you've never used purigen before the animals just may be reacting to the chemicals it made of. If you rinsed the material in prime, the seachem(?) dechlor, you should be fine as far as chlorine.


I've never used purigen, but if its a chemical to take something out or put something in, whatever it was shocked the tank.


I'm fond of doing water changes to replenish whatever was lost.



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