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How to vote...?


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I was wondering how everyone planned to vote for the photo contest.


I am finding it hard not to want to vote for the nicest colored zoas compared to the best photography skills.


Does anyone else feel the same way?



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Good question six... there are lots of great pics up.

I'm kinda leaning towards presentation rather than subject.


I think I am too, but I don't want to judge on how well someone knows photoshop (can make a nice banner-like photo)... maybe that's part of the criteria tho. Proper cropping and presentation. Yea, I agree.


Like Pili's submission is professional looking. A good photo to use for the N-R front page.

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i am leaning towards the phototography skills. after all it is a photography contest, not a who has the nicest zoas contest :D if that was the fact, then there are 4 i would be stuck on.

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I think I am too, but I don't want to judge on how well someone knows photoshop (can make a nice banner-like photo)... maybe that's part of the criteria tho.



I will be looking at things like composition, focus and contrast.... Photoshop skills can help with those things somewhat but can be done well with a raw image too. I won't be taking into consideration additions like text or framing effects...things that might make a pic look "bannerized", but that's just me. That being said Phili's pic is still one of my faves.

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lgreen's unofficial non-nano-reef approved guidelines for the zoanthid picture contest:


To be eligable your Zoanthids must be registered with the American Zoanthid Society (AZS).


Your polyps will be judged by the judges opinion on what the perfect zoanthid colony should look like for each breed based on the official standards set by the American Zoanthid Society for each breed.


The standard describes the characteristics that allow the breed to perform the function for which it was bred. These standards include specifications for structure, temperament and movement.


The official written standard for each breed is maintained by the geeks of nano-reef.com and is included in the The Complete Zoanthid Book published by the AZS.


The judges are experts on the breeds they are judging. They examine ("go over") each polyp with their hands to see if the teeth, muscles, bones and coat texture conform to the breed's standard. They view each polyp in profile for overall balance, and watch each polyp gait ("move") to see how all of those features fit together in action.


All zoos will be seperated initially by three groups: Males (Polyps), Females (B*tchs), and Unsure (Michael Jackson, Rosie O'Donnel).


Tips for the First-Time Exhibitor:


-Make sure your zoanthid is registered with the AZS

-Learn the proper techniques for grooming and for presenting your zoanthids in the ring.

-Become familiar with the AZS rules and regulations for zoanthid picture contests

-Attend some zoanthid shows to observe your breed being judged and how others present your breed.

-Attend handling classes with your zoos.




-First place will be awarded to the poor sap who mistakes my post for real rules despite the fact that it says "unofficial" in the title.

-Second place will go to me no mater what

-Third place-who cares, everyone knows third place is worthless




Your polyps may be poked, proded, squeezed, slapped, flicked, and touched inappropriatley in the genitals. But remember the judges are experts. The AZS says so. Good luck.

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Your polyps may be poked, proded, squeezed, slapped, flicked, and touched inappropriatley in the genitals. But remember the judges are experts. The AZS says so. Good luck.


slapped inappropriatley, hmm? :lol:

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