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Cultivated Reef

asiankidd's Modded Nano Cube 24 gal


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awesome tank jon, i like the "drop tube fuge light" you've got. I also have a skunk and blood shrimp in my NC. do yours interact much?



interact as in fight? if so then no, they are completely independent of each other and stay out of each other way. I had to isolate them once cus they were stealing food from my anemone and when i did they were fighting in the small space they were in. Aside from they they are pretty active in my tank. One of the best addition by far.


Thanks again for the comment about the drop in fuge light, im working on making it more powerful, like dropping in 2 tubes, but at the rate i have them now their growing fine, and i am trimming them ever other week or so.

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Ok just a quick update on my tank, I have officially give up on the NANO FISSION CrAPPER. I personally think this thing is an absolute failure of design work. A skimmer that needs to have filter replaced every other week is stupid, youd think current was being nice giving you 4 replacement sponges, but in actuallity your gonna need much more of it!!! As they clog up it messes up the internal water height, soon you will be skimming pure tank water into your cup!!!, and their venturi design and short chamber design lacks the necessary bubble count and ion exchange time needed to skim effectively.... Those who have gotten theirs working are truely blessed!!!


So with the failure of that skimmer i decided to take it into my own hands to design a skimmer like that of the aqua c remora but a true nano version, i used the design from one of the members here, and scaled it down to fit my tank, currently it is working like a charm but after taking new measurements i can make this thing a little bigger and increast the ion exchange time. So for those who want a REAL skimmer here is my auto cad drawing of what you need to do, once i get the updated size and the new one built i will post pics of it working and its fitment! OH yeah my current design has virtually no microbubbles unlike the NANO Bubble Maker i mean skimmer






the explanation for those who have no idea what that is , well the blue line is the water level, a spray bar with 1/4 inch holes, 2 to be exact is placed on the bar and is placed inside the middle cavity, when the maxijet 1200 is turned on the pressure shoots the water out of the spray bar and into the water causing a vortex of micro bubbles, the deflector on the bottom direct the bubble upwards and collect on the left most of the design, water is then drawned out from the opening on the bottom and exit out the side .... hope someone can use this to their advantage, my skimmer is built out of 1/8 inch plexi glass from HD and seems to be holding up fine, i will be building another one soon that is a bit bigger that will still fit in the rear walls....pics to come soon...



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looks good, wanna build me one...lol


for sure, i'll give you my proto type, id make you a new one but i have 4 chabers in the back of mine as oppose to 3 so i dunno how big to make the new one, all you would need then is a pump... hopefully i'll have something new by next week



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do you have the name of the fuge light or know where I may be able to pick one up. I just threw some cheato from my 40 g. into the display of my NC and not really feeling it.


could you get a close up of the zoanthids, very nice.

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do you have the name of the fuge light or know where I may be able to pick one up. I just threw some cheato from my 40 g. into the display of my NC and not really feeling it.


could you get a close up of the zoanthids, very nice.



yeah i'll take a pic for you once i get my camera back, as for te fuge light i made it myself, if you need help i can help you just ask away....

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I'd love to know how to make a drop in fuge light. I like the other mod (back wall of tank) but my tank will be in the entry foyer of my house and right up again the wall, hence no room for this mod.


Can you post a parts list and build information maybe?


I'd even be willing to pay you to build me one to be honest! I'm not the best at DIY but I'll give it a shot.


And will the new skimmer your working on fit in the tank, or will it be hang on?



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I'd love to know how to make a drop in fuge light. I like the other mod (back wall of tank) but my tank will be in the entry foyer of my house and right up again the wall, hence no room for this mod.


Can you post a parts list and build information maybe?


I'd even be willing to pay you to build me one to be honest! I'm not the best at DIY but I'll give it a shot.


And will the new skimmer your working on fit in the tank, or will it be hang on?





1- 4inch cold cathode

1-cold cathode ballast

1-3/8 inch acrylic tube

4 ft of wire

hot glue gun


steps glue or plug one end of the tube shut, then stick in the cold cathode light, then put in a loose plug and fill it up with hot glue or silicon. I recommend the silicon, because the hot glue when heated and cooled will have little holes in it since heat is trapped inside the tube. only problem with this mod is that the light tends to float, since there is air inside so what i did was wrap the cheato arond it and stuck it in and viola works like a charm


as for the skimmer its actually designed to fit inside the cube, mine will be different than others cus i have the OG 24 with 4 chambers, those with 3 can make their skimmer wider and possible deeper also.


as for the sail fin tang, he was gone along time ago, that pic you had was actually when i first started this hobby, current livestock is 2 clowns used to have 3 but one recently went mia and is probably dead now because the 2 mated pairs started to pick on him, and recent additions are a firefish, and bi-color blenny.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys been real busy at work, and currently taking on a remodeling project in the fish room, so havent been able to update on the skimmer but i finally got the pics off my memory card and uploaded it....these pics are of some old live stock i had to i transfered to a 220 gal and was only in my tank for a short while.


Electric flame scallop this guy was awesome




local fish store sold this to me as a dancing shrimp didnt really get a good luck when he was at the store, but when i did a search here they said it was a peppermint shrimp, which i later found out was incorrect, and that it was a camelback shrimp, so he is now in isolation:




candy cane and blue mushrooms there are actually 3 but the other 2 are small and on the other side...




tube coral and cloves




new hammer coral neon green picture dont do justice




My new zoos assorted:




Yellow button polyps




here is a better shot of my blue/green ricordia




and an FTS today:




night shot with actinic and moon light only:



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Flame scallops are cool. Will they live long in captivity?


I heard they do not last long at all because they rely on filter feeding and in such a small tank they will slowly starve, hence why i moved him into a 220 gallon. He seems to be fine there, and we tend to keep the water a little dirty in that tank...but indeed a very cool guy

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wow Jon, your tank is freakin awesome! im jealous! haha



jealous? hahahh im jealous of your setup...man i came home after seeing your tank and thought to myself damn 24 gallons is just tooo small! haha

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hey there bil2k, the answer to your post is the 2nd post on the 2nd page. Its funny how the same questions popped up for page 2 and page 3 for the first post of each page....i guess thats my popular mod..





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Looks awesome. I love the B and W clowns. Where did you get them?


Keep up the good work.

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got them on a group buy on reef central, they were purchased from ORA. the 2 black ones are paired :-) thanks for the comments!

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Flawless setup; truly inspirational to the hobby.


I hate to ask such a new-be question but why do you have the pistol shrimp, I believe that’s the species, in a separate container. I was thinking of getting a shrimp for my NC 6g and I’m curious to know if there’s a certain acclimation method involved.



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hey there bil2k, the answer to your post is the 2nd post on the 2nd page. Its funny how the same questions popped up for page 2 and page 3 for the first post of each page....i guess thats my popular mod..






Lollers. "i guess thats my popular mod.."

Operative word my.


You've got a really nice tank bro, and I hate to stir up trouble, but that was Shao-Lin's mod from back in the day. I'm only saying it cause it's only fair to give credit where it's due, especially on an idea forum like this.


I still love that lighting project box idea using the CAT5 on it. That's definatly an original idea that you should be proud of!

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Lollers. "i guess thats my popular mod.."

Operative word my.


You've got a really nice tank bro, and I hate to stir up trouble, but that was Shao-Lin's mod from back in the day. I'm only saying it cause it's only fair to give credit where it's due, especially on an idea forum like this.


I still love that lighting project box idea using the CAT5 on it. That's definatly an original idea that you should be proud of!



lol yeah i got the idea from jeremy's tank and, my choice in wording may have thrown you off but what i meant to say was of all of the mods on MY tank. That mod seem to be the most popular one. Of course most of all the mods i have done have been inspired by others and some mods i came up with that were similiar to others before ever seeing theirs. But i never meant to take credit for any design, if anything i just did it better to my liking an made it best fit for my tank. I also appreciate the complements about the cat5 light box too! :-)



mvs: the shimp i think you are refering to was an incorrectly labeled camel back shrimp that i thought was a pepperment shrimp, i just wanted one for aiptasia control but since have taken it back and got a real peppermint. As far as all inverts go, especially shrimps acclimation is pretty important as they are sensitive to change in SG. I always use the drip acclimation and do it for about 30-40 mins at a drip rate thats almost constantly dripping. Hope that helps



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