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Coral Vue Hydros

maybe the holy grail of nano wave makers


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Very neat gadget Lunch. I'm very interested in how it does.....I might need one for the 40 gallon I'm setting up. Ahhh, more plumbing stuff you gota' love it!

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WOW, that's what i've been lookin for, except all the other ones i've seen are industrial 1" motorized ball valves that go along with the industrial price. I think i'll be gettin me one of these when I save up the moola. THank u lunch !

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how long you guys had them


how long you run them?


what size pumps?


any problems thus far??


what size systems?


pics if you could please :D



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Well at least I got some info.... thanks Lunch.


I've seen these things on Ebay now for the last couple of months and if they DO sell they seldom go for over 40 bucks. Thing is I could never find out how da hell they work or what they are. I emailed the seller and I should have saved the email... I was asking things like, are they electrical, do they require other attachments, how do they hook up, ect., ect. and all I got back was "you hook them to a pump".....lol


Well, NOW that I know what the hell they are and how to hook em up I may indeed invest in one.... um, prolly not from the Ebay dude,hehe.


If any one buys one and plays around with the flow rates on it... say more like out of a 400 to 500 gph powerhead I'd love to hear how it's working out.


Oh oh, and does the thing even come apart to be cleaned? ? ?

I have visions of it jamming up like them piece of poops Zoo sweeper junko crappo bash it against the wall use it just for mixin saltwater powerhead thingies.

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Dave ESPI - well maybe you should pull you head out of you ass and try learn something instead of being closed minded and want to be spoon fed. to tell you the truth IMO "REEFtard Central" has more informative info than this board. grow up!


glazer - they attach by 3/4" ID tubing. for the rest check "REEFtard Central" :P



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Originally posted by Lunchbucket

Dave ESPI - well maybe you should  try learn something instead of being closed minded and want to be spoon fed.  to tell you the truth IMO "REEFtard Central" has more informative info than this board.  


Then dont post to us on this board. There isnt much that I have ever learned on that board and a powerhead swirl attachment with NO info or links other than a link to a thread on ReefCentral that is likely to be dumped in another server swap or dead-ended in a few months is of no use to us, as the majority of people in RC look down upon nano-reefers as inferior, yet it has been proven to take more skill to manage small tanks.


Try posting a thread ON nano-reef.com ABOUT "nano-reef " wavemakers and NOT make us open another browser window if it is so important and usefull to us HERE at NR.com

ALL I ASKED FOR WAS INFO WITHOUT LOOKING ON RC for a thread. Dont be a bieach and throw it in my veteran face.


...and if anyone EVER says Im close minded and want to be spoon fed, they need to contact me personaly and we will straighten it out, Dousche. I NEVER ask for much info, but as a common courtesy to the board and as per your FIRST POST in this thread I ASKED for more info.


With 12,000 Members and a 5 year history I should hope that RC would be informative. perhaps if peole related info rather than links, it would help US ON NANO MORE....

Lunch you did say to ask for more info from you..

I did.

I got what ?

###### post.

reply awaited.

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settle down evry one hase there own oppinion.


ok we have benn carring them for about a month. they work great.

whith a rio 600 it changes evry 6 seconds ill find the gph soon.

heres how they work they have a mecanism in them that has a little gear and wheel the water being pumped up turns the gear and shuts one side off when the gear has made a full rotation it switches out the other side thus wave making or oscalating current pretty neat buggers thy are small and can fit in the palm of your hand.we sell them for 50 bucks i think not quite shure tho will check and deffantly get some pics


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thanks Cam, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about now.

I have not had the chance to play with one of them yet. LFS is lame and wont order one "just to play with" and I dont want to get a case of them from Champion lighting if it sux.

3/4 inch ID tube is a BIG intake. Do they run better with MORE flow or are they particular with EXACT gph flowrates ? I found the sea swirls (a MUCH bigger H.O.T. unit) required a huge amount of water flow and large impellers to be effective. IT would be interestting to hook up an Aquaglobe 300 to it and see wha they can do.

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Dave, admit it, your head is up your ass but the colon view is fascinating and well worth the look.


Truthfully, I didn't see the need for the attack on your post. I hate rc because the snobbery is worse than you and me put together, the site is slower than Stievie Wonder reading war and peace (non braile) and the site itself sucks.


I would love to know the size of the wavemaker. I am heading to the island today and might make a pitstop at fish towne to check out some equipment and Friday I have an appointment out in islandia which means Country Critter will be taking some of my moolah. Sadly, this means my spsfrag.com order might not happen so soon.


If they have stuff I do want, I will pick up a gift for you Satchmo, solely because you were going to piggyback my order. I still have some zoos for you too. Sadly, I had a three polyp frag (one orange, one green one green and orange mix) that somehow came loose and floated off into the sunset, I will try and find it today or tomorrow as I am also looking for my missing lettuce nudi, which I might need to replace. I found a site selling them for $8 and can't remember the site so now I need to search search search.


Ok, I rambled about stuff unrelated long enough.

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ok, enough...i will not reply back to the blatent shots and 3rd grade crap..enough about that ######


here is the deal. i have posted on 3 or 4 boards now. would you like me to cut and paste EVERY informative response from those other board into this one? HELL NO. that is why i pointed everyone to the RC post. it has quite a few good replys and i DO NOT want to answer the same little ?'s every damn time....that is a PIMA. so that is why i posted to the RC post. there are link to 1 other board and the manufacture web site.


so i guess if you can't toodle your way over there for this one little instance...then i guess i will feed you the information you could read. so ask you questions and stop *****ing.


no they do not require specific flow rates...there is a link on RC to RAG w/ specifics that the manufacture posted about flow rates i suggest you check them out.


what do you want to know.


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Lunch, Agreed.


I was making light of the point that I choose NOT to go to RC as it was posted that it was of GREAT USE to nano-reefers.

a small snippet would have been good along with the link as a secondary {followup} to the website thread. I could post links all day long and never type anything too, but that defeats the purpose of information gathering and the usefullness of



Indeed there are some GREAT threads there, but you have to cut through a LOT more BS there to fing the good sweet swweeet ######. To a degreee that is here also, but to many threads get derailed fer me to care about whose car was totaled because Jo- Anne was doing her make up while reefing and... and.... and...

(anyone who is a forum vet on RC knows what Im talking about)a lot of OMGWTFBBQTFF LOLerskaters that are on that board, and vastly out number the GOOD posters.


FWIW, It would be nice if MORE good posters were here (such as yourself) more often.


Peace and sea-men.B)

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i hear what you are saying buddy. i do check here about once every day or 2. i just see the same dumb easy threads (sorry for being so blunt). seems to me it hasn't changed much since i haven't been posting...SAME ?'s every 2 seconds. yeah i understand everyone needs to learn but do a search. it is the same on RC but i find there are more "good" threads there prolly due to the fact there are about a billion more people there...which also equals about a billion more retards unfortunately too :D


i soley into SPS, strong lighting, heavy feeding, stong skimming, ca reactors, and less water changes. most here want just a weekly water change to fix everything. seems like i am just a Overblown FREAK here. no one wants to here my get a 400w MH on a 10gal tank, w/ a HUGE skimmer, and a ca reactor....so maybe that is another reason i have shyed away....they just aren't freaks like me. and on RC there are some nice freaks out there. we can talk about SPS and all that stuff. don't get me wrong there are a few here too but what is the majority here? softy basic set ups...IMO (i can be wrong :) ) so no one will listing to my rambling. it just gets throw to the side as crap. even in the advanced topic forum.....i am still a freak.


i enjoy this board very much and it is still my birthplace in the nano world. i post many people links to come here because i know we have some high caliber people (yourself included) that can help them out. this board has done a ton for me but it seem that i have almost outgrown it or been an outcast if that makes any sense.


talk to you soon

off to eat lunch



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I share your pain.

yeah I too get sick of " Waht do I need fer a 10 gal tnak and waht do U use 4 lihgting?" every day.

Ditto on being a few other boards visited each day, but RC is not worth my time. I like wetwebmedia as of recent. you cant post pics, but its fairly solid. Bob Fenner is on there, and he tells people to SEARCH like its going out of style. I crack up at that type of ######, its comic GOLD.


STEVE: Eat my CORN. B)


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how's that ca reactor working for you? i looked at your tank and the coralline's growing nicely but that's to be expected. ;) i noticed the corals have blossomed nicely but how do you rate its performance versus the b-ionic only (which i assume you're not dosing anymore or are you doing both). or is it still a little early iyo to gauge its performance?


i'm one of those softie, lazy sob, no wc's slackers you were talking about. :P i just like the dynamic movements of the softies more than the motionless (but colorful) sps.


besides they (sps) are too friggin difficult for me. X) top-notch lighting, regular feedings, ca reactor, and pristine water? fergetaboutit! tiny 'lazy@ass' reef for me. :happy:

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yea i also really find wetwebmedias articles really realyl informative. their FAQs answer so many basic questions about certain fish corals inverts etc. lets jt say the sites on my favorite list.


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but RC is not worth my time


why you so against it? yeah because it is so busy it sucks sometimes but hell think about nanoreef.com durning switches and changes ###### happens...but on a bigger scale for a bigger board.


i personally don't think you will find the information and people w/ knowledge anywhere comare w/ RC. they may not have fenner but they have a lot of people that have done a lot of stuff to learn from. and all in all 99% are happy, friendly, and helpful


tinyreef - ca reactor is THE ABSOLUTE BEST PIECE OF EQUIPMENT I HAVE EVER BOUGHT. i will NEVER own another tank w/ out one!!!!!! as for performace w/ b-ionic....well lets just say i want to dump all that old b-ionic down the toilet. w/ a ca reactor you levels are stable 24/7 not like b-ionic where they spike when you add them and sloly decline till the next dose...not quite the best situation for growth. sps are not as dificult as you think. they are EASY. i do nothing more to my tank now that i did later...hell i prolly save more time in a week not having to do those fricking weekly water changes!!!! are nano's really that much more difficult than a big tank....not really just have to konw what you are doing right? same w/ SPS vs softies. most people are too scared to do SPS.

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Don't worry lunch, your not the only freak. :happy: Everyone also thought I was crazy when I slapped on a 400w radium onto my 20g. Now we see more people doing it. Hehe, I wish I had a job so I could afford a CA reactor. For now, I have my good ol DIY b-ionic dripper. I fill her up with 40mL of each part every afternoon and around noon the next day it'll have dripped all of it. Along with the 3/4 gallon of kalk everyday, my alk stays around 9dkh and 400ppm of CA although I wish I could have it higher. Maybe this summer i'll look into building my own reactor (which is pretty easy) but the co2 tank, valve, solenoid, controller will be a pita to pay for ( in a 16 year old perspective ).



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yeah, ca reactor is definitely on my 'wish' list but since i'm mainly a softie guy i haven't been able to justify it. maybe on the 300g tank when i eventually get it. the boss (mrs.) promised after we finish all the renovations next year(?). :)


as to forums, i like reefs.org and penthouse. :P about.com and seahorse.org have interesting viewpoints as well imo.


i waiting for dave's book to take care of many of the repetitive q's that can seem to bog down the forum. sometimes there's an interesting point in there tho. don't be a stranger lunch. ;)

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NanoReefer53 - nice littel DIY you got there. i say use what works for YOU! i was dosing 60ml both parts of b-ionic/day and going through about 1-1.5gal of kalk every 1-2 days and i was loosing the alk battle. it would stay about 2.0-2.5. i wanted it at 4.0. now w/ the ca reactor i don't have to worry any more


tinyreef - yeah i hear you they are spendy but i HAD to cough up the $$...good thing my b-day was right there :D


daves book? that won't stop the same old ?'s...heck the posts now don't do it so why would that.


i will try not to be a stanger. just won't post here unless i have something i feel i should post on ....which is once in a while.


thanks everyone


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