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need emergency mushroom help!!!!!


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well, I bought a mushroom Tuesday and it seems to be getting worse. today I noticed that there are little bubble underneath it and it looks like it has little blisters all along the bottom of its underside. so many, in fact, it looks like it is going to float at any minute.


anyone have a clue what causes this, or how to cure it? I'm afraid it will be dead by the morning it is looking so bad.


Thanks for any advice.


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what kind of light was it under at the lfs and how far was it positioned from it? what kind of light do you have over it now? point being that it could be too much light.


also how did you acclimate it?


what kind of bubble? air bubble, fleshy/blister-type, or tumor-like?


what kind of mushroom? ricordia, discosoma, rhodactis, toadstool leather, etc.?

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well, I have 2x13watt pc with 50/50 bulbs and a 1x15watt NO 50/50 bulb. I had the mushroom in the corner under the powerhead and heater to shade it a litlle. Yesterday I removed the mushroom from the snail shell it came attached to as I seen a crab molt next to it and thought it might have a crab in it, but it was empty. I then placed it on a pice of rock debis hoping it would attach itself and after a while it was blown to the backside of one of my rocks and is resting on the sand up agaist the rock and is shaded a little from the lights. it still looks the same. The edges are turned under a little, and has a bluish tint to its color, and the bubbles look like they are still there even though I can't see under it, it just looks a little puffy. they are fleshy blister type of bubbles. looks like the kind you would get from a burn.


as for the type, I'm not exactly sure. It is the standard looking flat round ones that are reddish brown in color? I think Discosoma.


as for my tank, it is a 10 gallon, 9lbs live rock, 18lbs of live sand, a clownfish(A. Percula), a pajama cardinal, pepermint shrimp, brown button polyps, caulerpa prolifera(in HOB skilter with no filter media and skimmerless), dictoya, 1 astrea snail, 1 trochus snail, 3 cerinth snails, 3 blue legged hermits, and a few stomatella snail with tiny babies starting to pop up. and other miscellaneous hitchhikers.


water parameters are ph 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrires are a a little high at <.1, and nitrates at 10, alk about normal on my high low scale tester. I also do weekly water changes of about 10-15% or 1 - 1 1/2 gallons per week. also have a Powersweep 212 powerhead.


Thanks for any help you guys can give.


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how did you remove it from the snail shell? :


i don't think they're burns or too much light. maybe from rough handling or forcible removal. ??? i've seen some bubbles when an injury 'moves' a shroom. i've also seen some bubbles (not many bubbles tho) from valonia pushing shrooms off their root-place.


most shrooms are pretty hardy it should 'recover' as long as the other inhabitants don't keep messing with it.

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The snail came off very easy, almost fell off. but I do remember the guy at the LFS taking off a snail shell as it was attached to 2 of them. maybe he forced it a little and tore? probably did as that is why he probably left the other one attached? but the bubbles go all the way around it and not in just one area where the wound would have been? I just went and looked at the mushroom and it is looking better today. The edges are only curled a little bit and seems to be straightening out a little bit. I think he is going to be alright, them mushrooms are pretty tough. I was mainly worried about the bubbles on him. was probably due to the LFS guy mishandling him?


Thanks for your help


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I've had that samething happen to my xenia its being irritated by bubble algae. Scrape it off with a toothbrush or put it in the same tank with a emerald crab for 24 hours they love bubble algae.

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He's doing OK now, he floated under the LR into the shaded area and is doing great. I moved him today yp the front of the tank so I could see him and he is doing well, so far.


Thanks for everyones help


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