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yOyOYoo's tank!


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thanks guys, I actually JUST got the rics like 2 weeks ago. So far, nothing's happening...


I've had these green ricordia yuma for over a month, they just get bigger slowly, but no splitting.. Ahh!


The only thing growing like mad is my red sea xenia. It's humongous

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've found that xenia grow well under any light conditions. i've had xenia under a 32 watt bulb grow fine and now I have them under 150 watt MH.


They always want more and more light!

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  • 5 weeks later...





The two still haven't paired up yet after a month. They sleep in close proximity and seem to tolerate each other just fine. The orange clown will occassionally playfully bite the black one, and the black one does his submissive dance, but then the orange one loses interest.... do they still have a chance of pairing or has it been too long?

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I Take Pictures

Wow I LOVE that black clown. I've never seen one like that before. Where did you find him, and what species is he evem? ( <- feel stupid asking that)


O yah and who made the tank, or did you make it yourself?


BTW - Amazing tank, one of the best that I've seen on this site.

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Yoyo this is a really really great looking tank. Great job. Just out of curiosity, what are the dimensions of your glass and could we see a photo of the tank and the stand?

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  • 2 weeks later...

yea that black clown of mine is quite the freak! At first I was disappointed when he had all these misbarrings (the front bar doesn't go all the way around, middle bar is a saddle, his right side is missing a rear bar) but he grew on me quickly, he's almost sooo ugly he looks cool. I believe he is a black oscillaris, and I got him in a black clownfish ORA group buy. he came with ich, and I treated the tank with kick ich and knocked it out.


I'll try to get a pic with the stand later. Dimensions are listed on the first page but i'll repaste them here:


32 gallon custom acrylic tank w/ trapezoid overflow

24" x 18" x 15"

18 gallon sump, refugium full of calpura pellata, chaeto, and halimeda, NO SKIMMER

45 lbs live rock

40lbs live sand

JBJ Arctica 1/10 chiller (80 degrees SOLID)

Coralife Aqualight Pro 24" (150watt 15K MH +130 watts actinic)

Mag 7 and SCWD on return

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