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[STOCK] trekbear


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Here is my entry photo to the Pico Contest for the Stock Category.


I will be setting up and maintaining this tank at work. Gives me something to enjoy while doing something I hate :wacko:




Good luck to all contestants!


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Minimalist, You Bet! It's WAY boring It's an anti-virus program.. LOL I couldn't find ANYTHING else unfortunately!


SteelHealr! What can I say, but help me! LOL


Thanks ZooGirl, I hope this is a fun contest. No feelings should get hurt, at least I hope not.. ;)



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Ok, today I added my heater. Took back my visitherm and got a 7" 25watt Hydor Heater. Put it in the tank and arranged my liverock... well at least put it in the tank... ;)


Hopefully I will be able to get some decent aquascaping in, or cover the crap up with corals.. which I like option 2.. cover it up.. LOL


here are 2 pics.


1st Pic: The hydor heater box and the tank after putting rock in.




2nd Pic: Just the tank and all of its simplicity. I kinda like the rockwork for now...




Here we go, it's almost done. Lights came in today, will put them on tomorrow and then we just wait until the tank is cycled... :scarry:


Wish me luck,


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good start trekbear. i like the rockwork too. let me know what you think of the hydor heater. i am using them in my 29G and am having temp fluctuations....

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You bet I will keep you posted on the heater.


I plan to document all of the equipment's performance on this project. I went with Aquatraders lighting (Reefer on a budget :bling: ) I know others will bash them till the cows come home. I have had excelent luck I guess. So, I am giving them a shot again. It only took them 3 days to get the light to me... So far so good ;).


And since I am in the stock category, it won't take long to document that extensive equipment list... hehehe!


Take care,


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Here we go... Lights arrived! YEA!!!



They were ordered from Aquatraders on Monday night @ 8:00pm. Arrived on Thursday via USPS Priority... Pretty darn quick service. And they were packaged very well see...



And LET THERE BE LIGHT! Finally! In the voice of Freddie Prinz " Loookin' gooood"



Now all I have to do is wait for a few days. Used cured liverock and livesand, all readings except nitrates are 0. Trates are at 5ppm. Those should be down to 0 on Monday morning, I will add the cleanup crew then as I should have good diatom growth starting then.


Alls well so far... (as I :bowdown: to the reefer gods for a bountiful tank ;) )


Take it easy and GO 05!


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Temps are stable right now even w/ 10 hours lighting temp stayed @ 79 degrees. So, fingers crossed it will maintain it. Ambient temps never fluctuate more than 5 degrees which will help too.


Minimalist, Thanks Bud! Yeah, I believe it's very ready for some additions. I will be checking it on Monday and if all is good put in some things that afternoon. The nitrates were around 5-7PPM so they should be at zero on Monday morning. It was good to use the LFS cured rock it seems.


Thanks for the comments and support!


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Ok, I finally got all levels to zero.. YEA!


Today added stock. Boy does the xenia look happy or what? It'll probably take over before the contest ends..:)


Now just a couple of things to add later before they make us quit adding and I'm done. fingerscrossed



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Thank you! I hope it fills in a bit and I will be happy with it. I love having it on my desk now w/ something to look at.. LOL


BTF, Got the light from Aquatraders. Seems to be doing great so far.

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