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Top Shelf Aquatics

Will trade frags for awesome photos


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I'm doing a magazine ad and need some awesome pictures of corals, inverts, etc... Because of the arrangement of our system (we look down in to all of our tanks), it's really hard to get good, clear shots that are print worthy. If you have something spectacular, let me know and we can talk about a trade. Must be at least 4 mega pixels resolution.

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PM me with what you're looking for - I have tons of high-res photos (8M) on my computer that I can crop down to specific subjects or just larger shots

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Hey Mary,

You actually inquired about my 6-line wrasse photo a while back and I responded saying you can use it. But you never replied back. I have tons of excellent quality digital photos for you. Whats your email addy? PM me.

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Thanks for all the cool pics I've received so far!! Deadline for me submitting photos to the ad designer is Thursday night- so if anyone else wants to send in pics please do so.

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Thanks for all the cool pics I've received so far!! Deadline for me submitting photos to the ad designer is Thursday night- so if anyone else wants to send in pics please do so.

Might I suggest TigahBoy....He has some great macro shots of corals that would be great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello....i have some pics that i took not of my fish tank but some corals when i went to Dominican Republic that i can probably give you...you also mentioned of a trade, what is that about... if you want you can contact me at johan41@yahoo.com

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