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I have none of the above issues with my tanks.

it all comes down to proper reef husbandry and water quality.


you win.


but please do NOT attack and slam on one of all your referances mentors

..... thats' just wrong and harsh to cite Borneman and Calfo who are hobbyist just as I, and then to say D.Mills wrote books 20 years ago.

FWIW, the MARINE AQUARIUM was yes published in 1987, but has been reprinted 6 times.

You and YOUR AQUARIUM is in its 14th printing run, so he must be good at it.

He has written over 30 books and is well respected as a pioneer in this aquatic hobby.

I suggest you show him some too... :)


oh and to be totaly technical....

34.557 EXACTLY is NSW.... slapnutz ...B)

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Slapnutz? How did you know?


Baaa, Baaaa.....


What is with the name calling.


By the way Dave, if you were familiar with numbers you would know that it is impossible for NSW to have a value of EXACTLY 34.557, odds are you would have to carry it out to an infinite number of decimal places to get an EXACT value; though I am sure 34.557 is a relative accurate ESTIMATE in many cases.


You must be awfully arrogant or I must me really ignorant if you think you are in the same class with Borneman and Calfo. I appologise for not being familiar with your work, could I please get a list of your publications so I may add them to my library. I would also appreciate a link to any forum where people think so much of your expertise that they write to you daily asking your advice and opinions so that I may do the same. I would also like copies of your grant proposal that have been funded for coral research so that I can stay on the cutting edge of knowledge.


While Borneman was originally self taught, he has spent enough time (most all of his life) in natural situations and in the lab observing and working with corals to have forgotten more than most people, besides he is actually working on his PhD in coral biology right now...so it isn't like he just has opinion based on those of others experiences.


Who exactly seems to be one of the leaders in captive coral propogation in the world right now? Calfo has grants from the “Coral Reefs Around The World Grant Program” and his book is relatively new, meaning it probably incorporates many advancements in recent years.


I wasn't slamming Dick Mills per se, just the fact that a 20 year old book is a dinosaur in reef keeping husbandry, who in the early 80's was successfully keeping corals? Even if the problems were primarily with lighting, many ideas have changed and been refined.

In addition, even on-line, if you go to RC or wetweb or probably anywhere else and look for recommendations on salinity for inverts you will be really, really hard pressed to see anyone suggesting 32 ppt for successful husbandry.


I don't really want to argue with you about this anymore. Suffice to say you MAY keep a tank at a variety of salinities and many sources cite stability as the most important factor.

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Cool info guys. This would of made a good thread on " Salintity levels of a reef tank"



"Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics. Even if you win you are still retarded" -Unknown


Not saying that you guys are retarded, but I just love that quote and like to say it when people argue on the net.

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Originally posted by sjpresley

Slapnutz?  How did you know?


Baaa, Baaaa.....


What is with the name calling.  .


I CALL EVERYONE SLAPNUTS on occasion :happy: its not a big deal.

By the way Dave, if you were familiar with numbers you would know that it is impossible for NSW to have a value of EXACTLY 34.557.

ROUNDED TO THE THOUSANDTH is a mathamatical standard.


You must be awfully arrogant or I must me really ignorant if you think you are in the same class with Borneman and Calfo.  I appologise for not being familiar with your work, could I please get a list of your publications so I may add them to my library.  I would also appreciate a link to any forum where people think so much of your expertise that they write to you daily asking your advice and opinions so that I may do the same.  .


derrrrrrrrrr ok.


uh... well hows about here at nano-reef.com...?

or haven't you noticed I give a lot of solid advice here?

I am constantly flooded with PM's, Inst Messages, Emails, and on occasion phonecalls and house visits.


BOOK? uhhhhhh its being worked on written as you are reading this, or have you just NOT read that many threads here or have any idea of what I do for a living?

I am not saying that Calfo and Borneman are not good at what they do, but they started as hobbyist also.

how did they get to where they are? reading and observing and hands on experience.

I don't really want to argue with you about this anymore.  Suffice to say you MAY keep a tank at a variety of salinities and many sources cite stability as the most important factor. .



ONE FINAL QUESTION...... if 1.025+ is reccomended, then why are all major commercial synthetic salts sold with reccomendations to mix them to 1.021-.23 and/or mix UNDERWEIGHT in many cases? If 1.025+ ot 35ppt+ is to be standard, then I guess I can't use a 150 gallon pail of TROPIC MARIN, BIO SEA, SEACHEM, hW MARINEMIX, RED SEA, KENT, IO, CORALIFE, CORAL SEA, ANY ######TY BOX OF LOBSTERSALT, OR KOSHER ROCK SALT by following the dirrections to fill my 150gallon reef and have it be proper. :

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This is great. There is nothing more entertaining than reading two obviously well informed people argue thier points with a small bit of name calling to spice it up. It has been both educational and entertaining watching you both go at it. Keep up the good work.

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I feel honored.


May I change my signature to include slapnutz or would that infringe on your ability to apply the term when necessary?

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Steve, you can even have your own picture hosted on my server space with the text "I Was graced with the pleasure of being called slapnutz" over the top of it

If you like :D

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