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I would appreciate if you can recommend me some good books for starters.


I tried search but could not find anything. This was we can have a thread for books everybody has in their library.



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In my opinion the best is "The Reef Aquarium" Vol 1 (I have heard Vol 2 is good as well, but vol 2 mainly deals with soft coral) by Delbeek and Sprung. You'll spend some money for it, but it's worth it.


There are many more out there, but please just make sure it was at least written after 1998. Things have changed in the past 20 years!

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I've been hearing about the books ross mentions for a long while. They do sound like the best but they are $55+ per book (Jeff's has the combo for $110?, Champion Lighting has them for even less, thanks for tip).


I want to get a copy of both of those eventually but, in the meantime, I ordered a copy of "Natural Reef Aquariums: Simplified Approaches to Creating Living Saltwater Microcosms" by John H. Tullock and Martin A. Moe, and a copy of "The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide" by Michael S. Paletta. Anyone have any comments on those two? I know the Tullock one should be good but I'm not sure about the second one. Both have high marks at Amazon.com so we'll see.


If you want to buy some books right now go check out Amazon.com.  They have a free shipping on $25 or more (on books and other stuff) and there are coupons out there for $5 off.  I got both of these books for $33.44 shipped.


$5 off Amazon.com coupon:

MAPBANKATM35 $5 OFF $35 expires 2/22/03


I also found this page:


By one of our own posters here on the Nano-Reef.com. Hopefully he'll be updating his reviews as he reads through them. I think his handle here is NanoNeophyte but I'm not postive.

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tullock's one the best reads for starting out. paletta or goldstein are also good foundation books.


try championlighting.com (i know the name's misleading). or you can try eBay & half.com, alphacraze.com, or campusi.com (good search engine on their site), all for books. i got some of the pricier ones on eBay & half.com. :happy:


after you finish tullock and you still like the hobby then get TRA I or II, it's very worth it imo.

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two more-

Borneman's "Corals" is a solid book, very informative!

I also really like Calfo's Coral Propogation Book volume 1-not so expensive, lil more advanced but it doesn't read like it, one of my favorites!

happy reading!

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I just bought borneman's "corals" book on boxing day, and i have to admit it's a very good book indeed.


If you're really new to reefing, try "the conscientious marine aquarist" by robert fenner. It's a really good all around information guide.

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I also like Tullock's book. Additionally 'The Conscientious Marine Aquariast' by Bob Fenner, same publisher is very well written and covers more than just vanilla fish only tanks.


Also left over from my college days and a great way to get a grasp on the fundamentals of marine biology are these books:





most larger chain stores will likely have this as well. I found it invaluable and believe it or not 'coloring' in the pictures and reading through the text does wonders to reinforce usually difficult concepts/terms/processes.

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