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Coral Vue Hydros

opinions about about propagation tank


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i'm gonna set up a 10 gallon propagation tank with funds recently aquired from christmas (gotta love it). i just need an opinion on a cheap lighting retro or sysytem that can be used to grow out soft corals and some lps. i was thinking about the 55 watt smart light or 32 watt smart light. any other opinions?

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I'd guess I'd go with the 55 if you can. I'm about to start a 20L prop tank myself. I may just use a couple of the bookworm lights on it. Just plan on doing Xenia, Zoos and shrooms.

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I love my Smart light but I wonder if you wouldn't be better off with a 70 watt + MH especially for use on a propogation tank. That being said I have two of the 96 watt Smart lights on my 72 and my montipora is growing as fast as algae (seems like it is anyway)

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:o !!! everyone is getting prop tanks now!!! :P i've been slowly gathering stuff for a 50g one myself..I'm doing 2x175 watt metal halide with some sort of actinic supplement. Got the MH bulbs already B) was planning on setting this up in the next week, but it's delayed a while longer, due to CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!! spent all my dough on gifts :*(


IMO, LPS grows too slow to frag for $$ efficiently. softies are faster ;)

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here is my opinion


since this is a cheap propagation tank why not use the cheapest posable lights. no not incandescent, the sun. put it near a window. if you think it's too much block some of it with layers mesh. you won't need a timer and i can assure you it has a VERY high color temperature and is very similar to what corals get in the wild.


if you want a second opinion I think you are an ass hole:D BTW that's a joke, I don't actually think you are an ####### (yet:P).

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well, i am now thinking about the JBJ desktop formosa fixture (36 watts, 18 day light, 18 actinic) which i can get for $80 at my lfs. it has a built in fan and seperate switches for day light and actinic, plus leg stands to disipate heat. any one have any experience with these fixtures?

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oh, and tgrupert, i liike the idea of using the sun. but here during the winter i just don't thibnk the sun shines consistantly enough for the corals. during the summer it would probably work really well though.

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I find that softie frags grow best under 6500k and so does most macros and mircoalgaes. I've got a 10G prop tank thats been running for a while now (and makeing abit of runds for the nano :) ).

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Well, if you are doing a 10, and its for growth and spreading of softies, I have been very happy with LOA 65 watt PC 6500k form Home Depot.


I have one on a 10 (much brighter than pic showed)


And run one as a front supplement on 1 of my 30's + I have 2 more on various sumps.


I think for 29.95 they are the biggest bang for the buck. A couple strips of wood ala' my ghetto, and heat wont be an issue.


Just my thoughts, Bryan





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you shopuld be fine with the sun in the winter it's only a few hours less. The real problem is the angle of the light making it less intence. but most people nee dto shade it anyway. In the summer you will get several hours more than the tropics. why not use sun and suplemental 13 watts actinic. if you are thinking of actually spending 80 dollars on a light why only go 10 gallons? go all out and use a bigger cheaper rubber made tub?even if you only use a mall amount of the space you will get a lot more water. more water is afterall more forgiving and since you won't be watching this like a display tank (no matter what you intend on doing now) things might go wrong. they can take a lot more of the trace elements before they become depleated with less water. I read the thing about the sun in calfo's book it also says that the EPA says "dillution is the solution to pollution." I asked my dad who is an environmental lawer that frequently works with (fights) the EPA if this was true. he said he doesn't really beleive it because you need an expensive lawer like johnny cockrin to make up cool rhymes.


logical how deep is that bed?

some guy on ebay sells screw in 85Watt CF and 105 watt too. they are way to expensive for 5000k bulbs, but make a butt load of light.

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hey TGrupert :) That bed is 4inches all over except where my favorite pistol decided to make his home up front for me :)


But its great cuz I can now watch him all the time.


The tanks are 30 breeders so they are only 12inches tall, 18 deep and 36 long. They rock for growing.


PEace, Bryan

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logical, do all home depots cary those LOA fixtures? if that's works for you and it's only $30 i'm all for it. could i grow stuff like shromms and ricordea under that?

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Crap - I'm sick of looking for the Lights of America kit. The Home Depots around here (Texas) don't carry it, nor does Costco... And of courses the Lights of America website isn't any help at all.


If anyone sees this stuff for sale online, please let me know....thanks.

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hehe, thats kind of funny as I always have thought we have the worst Home Depot in the nation. I don't know how many times I have read about people picking up this and that at HD, and ours never had it.


Keep checking, worst case scenario is I can gladly pick you up a couple at my cost (last time was 29.95+tax) and ship em to ya.


Talk to ya soon, Bryan

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Home Depot has them on their site. Go to Lighting & Fans, then Outdoor Security Lights, then Flourescent Lights. They are the top right pic.


What do you do for actinics bryan?

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well, I have literally a warehouse of different lighting options from over the years. I only use those lights alone on small 10 gallon "extra" grow tanks....where I toss all the junk to get a good foothold while I decide what to do with it.


My main 30 gallon prop tanks use those as supplemental lighting paired with PC's and NO's and when its photo time they get just a single 96 watt PC 50/50 as I think that gives the truest representation of color.


Peace, Bryan




yes Metz, all softies seem to love it, I have yet to put LPS under them, but see no reason why they wouldn't like it. Will also be setting up a small montipora only setup to see what type of growth these light will give. I'll keep ya posted as that may be a few months.

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logical, do you think you could guve me a picture of what the 10 gallon looks like from the side? i just want to know how big the actual fixture will be sitting on top of the tank.

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Well, its in a bad spot to get a good angle, but it's measurements are:


12.5" long


8" wide


3" tall without cover, 4.5" tall if cover used.






HOpe that helps a bit more.


Cyas, Bryan



ps- notice it is sold for hard wiring, so remember to grab a cord when you get one.

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Home Depot has them on their site. Go to Lighting & Fans, then Outdoor Security Lights, then Flourescent Lights. They are the top right pic.
...only for certain zip codes. I can't see anything about fluorescent lighting in the Outdoor Security Lights section.


Before you browse HD's website, they ask for your zip code and show you products accordingly.

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