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Cultivated Reef

Fish in refugium


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I'm planning on adding a refugium (15G) to my 20L and I was wondering if it's possible to make it look nice at the same time? Of course it will be filled with caulerpa, but can I have LR and a few fish in there? I've always wanted a tomato clown.

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you can put a fish in there but your pod population will not grow much. Plus, the caulerpa grows pretty fast and will crowd the tank. Lastly, tomato clowns get pretty big so the fuge will have to be fairly large.


You're better off putting something like a seahorse in the fuge (I was thinking of trying this until my caulerpa completely took over the fuge).


my 2 cents.

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hmm ... that's true about the pods, but I don't really have a pod problem right now. I have tons of places in the main tank where fish can't get to so I think they do a good job of staying alive.


hmmm.... is a tomato in a 20 or 15 high ok or is that too small?

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BC, my fuge lights are on for around 3 hours a day. The only other light it gets is from the lights on the main tank. If I left my fuge lights on 24/7 my apartment would look like Stephen King's house after he took home the meteor in Tales From the Crypt or whatever that horror flick was.


My fuge is also to narrow to house a sea horse but I would really love to give it a shot.

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Kewlest fish I ever saw in a fuge was an angler!

It blended right in with the calp


The fuge was rather large, I wouldnt recomend that in 15 gallon

Just thought I share...:



Keeping a fuge looking nice with calp in it is tough

But there is plenty of neat stuff in there to look at

Maybe you will just appreciate it for what it is :P

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