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PH for 12G Eclipse?


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  • 3 months later...

rio 90 in the upper left corner of my eclipse 12, pointed down and right towards the output of my prizm.

It's small and while it is a rio, I haven't had any problems yet and its been up 6 months.

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I have a 12 gallon glass system, with an Elipse hood. So my tank is the same size and the stock pump is also the same. I found that the surface has enough movement, but the whole circulation was weak. Thus, I placed a Rio-90 in the back left hand, lower, corner to get the water to flow clockwise in my tank (the back of my rockwork is very open, which allowed for great water flow. However, I have recently taken the Rio-90 and used it to pump into my fuge. The return flow is essentially in the same location and serves the same purpose as my rio-90. No circulation problems in almost 2 years ;)

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