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Clownfish missing


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After several days of my male clownfish being missing, I have now given up hope.

He simply dissapeared! I can't imagine him having jumped out since the lid covers the aquarium. If he died, I guess the red scarlet crabs could have eaten him before I saw anything.

The water values are fine so I really don't want to pull my rock formation apart.

I now have one female ocellaris clown left. She's about a year old (tank raised). Can I buy a little clown companion for her or will she be too protective of her tank? The old pair was really cute together. I don't want her to be lonely.

Since she is already established as the female a little clown should automatically turn into a male, right?


What would you do?

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Could it be trapped somewhere that hasn't been checked..? I woke up to find my clownfish missing only to find it had found its way into the sump..

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Well after checking the water , looks like the fish must have died and clean up crew :*( ate them. I'm so stinking sad right now I loved those fish.


I'm gonna put my clean up crew in my other backup tank with my stupid blue devil damsel and the live rock, and start over the ammonia is too high to do water change i think.

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I am sure now mine is gone for good. The odd thing was that he was fine. I had them both for over 9 months...

My water values never changed, probably thanks to the cleaning grew and the tank having been established for some time.

He did get into the bubble trap before and I looked, but he still hasn't reappeared.

So I am pretty sure he's gone... :(

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Juviniles start as EUNICS and will become FEMALE if the alpha FEMALE dies as FEMALES are dominant. Clownfish are sexualy dimorphic, but are capeable of changing from a submissive "semi dormant" inactive sexualy hermaphraditic male into a full functioning female. Once they are MALE they will stay MALE and NOT become a FEMALE as a general rule UNLESS another clownfish is introduced. In some species they will just turn from JUVINILES into FEMALE and the MALE will remain MALE.


Chances are your fish is dead and has become scavenger carcass and bacteria cycle food.

Was it a captive bred one from ORA by chance?

FWIW, ###### happens.:*(

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  • 2 weeks later...



I thought if the alpha female dies, the male will become female and a sexually immature juvenile will become male. I have always read it was the females that were permantly female.


Am I wrong?

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