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Hi my frogspawn startre oozing out some brown stringy stuff tonight is it, seeding the tank, deficating or what??


Also I got lots of the little jellyfish aroung 50 of them good or bad??

thanks in advance and merry christmas and happy holidays


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Don't worry about the brown waste strings, but the jellyfish, you may have problems. If they are jellyfish (a picture would be nice), they are near impossible to keep alive for very long in an aquarium, and if you have 50 of them, your gonna have a bio explosion when they die. Get a pic to verify what they are but I would say loose 'em. Had one once, ONE, and they are very dumb. It swam upside down and kept running into the substrate. It would get caught in a corner and could not get out (kinda like an upsidedown snail). I just kept it for kicks to check it out and got rid of it before it kicked the bucket but would not recomend them to anyone, especially not 50 of them.

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Hmm...50 little jellyfish? Coult it be hydroids? I think that is a better possibility.


Yup, that brown stuff coming out from your frogspawn is poop. No need to worry about it. Mine does it too.

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