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Clowns acting funny...


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I noticed that my clowns were acting rather strange today.

They are 1.25inch and 1.5 inches.  I saw them swim together and occasionaly on or both would shake its tail end at the other.  What is going on?


Are they deciding who's going to be male etc?


They are both European tank bred specimens.  They generally swim together.  Havent noticed any dominance yet, though the larger one may have the slighter leadership.


Apart from that, I think they are the cutest fish I ever had!

I hope they stay less than 3inches, I really like thier small size.  The smaller one has such a cute face! :)

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They're clowns, they're suppose to act strange... :)


Maybe they think they're bettas and they're trying to battle.. haha.

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I think they are trying to battle out who's going to be dominant...anyone else kept two at a time?

How did things progress?

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jay2k2 and Asterix,


I had my account transferred over to a new screen name due to problems with my old one. I've been on the boards here for over half a year now, so you need to just freakin' chill out, especially you Asterix.



(Edited by NaNO ReeFiN at 12:09 am on July 4, 2002)

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If I had posted that much since the 30th, don't you think nano-reef.com would be totally flooded with posts made by me...? Think about it. I apologize Sahin for getting off topic in your thread here.

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NaNO ReeFiN: No problem dude.

Helps keep this thread at the top so I can get some answers



Anyway, I figured unless one was loony, they wouldnt have so many posts in such a short time, and thus I knew it had to be some kind of name change etc.

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Anyway, just thought about it this way; if you did actually sign up in June 2002, you'de had to make over 40 posts per day to reach your current post count!  I highly doubt anyone can take that much of nanoreef.com even being a die hard nano reef fan! :)


(Edited by Sahin at 4:21 pm on July 3, 2002)

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Actually, it was June 30th that this account was created, which would've meant I was posting about 300+ posts a day, c'mon now... if you're stupid enough to believe that someone could post 300+ a day and then have the nerve to call them a loser, you must be one hell of a dumbass.

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The tail-twitching is a submission thing.  At first, they'll both try to bully each other, and the one being bullied will go into those little convulsions when it's had enough.  But very quickly (possibly only days), it'll get to the point where only one of them does the twitching.  At this point, you and I both know it's going to become a he, but it'll take them another month probably to really figure it out.


As the time progresses it'll get to the point where the male-to-be twitches just in the presense of the female-to-be, without being bullied.  But that won't stop the future-she from being an absolute ##### to the poor fella-to-be.  Expect him/it to be chased all over the tank, forced into crevices, ground into the sand, and all sorts of other humerous humilations.  After about a month of this nonsense, the dominate one realizes there's no one in the tank that has the balls to questions she/its dominance, so she/it drops the it and becomes the she.


The he/it probably won't drop the it for another few weeks, but you'll begin to see them play more friendly once the female is established.


After this months of domineering, they'll be inserperable little buddies.  It'll be hard to believe that over the next couple weeks, when you watch the way she-to-be treats he-to-be, but it'll happen.  Whatever you do, don't serpate them unless you see actual damage done to the he-to-be, and even then, try to leave him in a seperate container in the same tank, so they can at least interact a little.



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Haha NaNO ReeFiN,


Your such a ######, No, Your not even worthy of that, You are but a step above pond scum! I have never seen someone get so defensive...You must never get laid! You need to take your dick out of your bulkhead and give that sucking action a rest, then go out and attemp to socialize with others "Outside" the internet... I hope this gets you mad, Please know that its my plan to do so, I love flame wars, And espcially with someone like you ...LOSER LOSER LOSER LOSER <h1>LOSER<h1> your a loser loser loser loser loser...hahahaha, You really are

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Clown jiggy-ness is a little less personal than this.  The female will chase the male away from the "nest" so that she can lay her eggs.  She'll then leave so that he can come back and do his part of the deed.


It's really quite tame.

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Could we not have the personal attacks please.


This is one of the few boards on the net that doesnt require moderators, and as such it makes for a great forum.


Lets keep it that way.  Chris does a great job of moderating, but if lots of poeple make personal attacks and the like, soon we'de need mods to keep a check on things.


I like this forum as it is.  I am sure most people agree too--lets keep it nice and clean.

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Agreed, I apologize once again Sahin and to you as well Chris. Now back to "Clown jiggy-ness"... haha.

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