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Cultivated Reef

My Blue Tang Has ICH!!!


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I noticed she had some white spots so I got the Ruby Reef Kick ICH stuff. It did not really work for her parastic ich, but I understand that it is more for the free floating water part of the parasite's cycle. Now I got Copper Power and I set up my other 12 gallon nanocube to put her in. I put the copper at 2.5ppm (per the instructions on the bottle). Is that all I do? How long do I leave her in there? Any help would be appreciated.





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all u got to do is let it be.jsut dont stress it!when you come see tank go slowly etc...


ich is always present in the water the fish gets it by stress only.

the cure is to let it be and make sure to stress stops.


it happened to my new pseudochromis magenta(spelling),he had it for 2-3 days then it was gone.(i just let it be all alone).

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Feed her really well fed. Lots of people say garlic helps - it certainly won't hurt. You can try Kent Garlic Extreme, just a little bit since the water volume is so small. Copper and enticing food a couple times a day will heal her, if she is "healable".


Good luck.

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i have had the same exact problem with my blue tang and sail fin tang, after days of research from this site, i think that the ich virus is over hyped on this forums and research, while there are more serious cases, if your fish has only a few and is moving and feeding well, it should go away by itself, what i did was, raise the temp by a few degrees to speed up the life cycle (sounds like the opposite of what you wanna do but some magazines say it works) and what i did was also black out the tank for 48 hours i used a black trash bag and taped it up...i guess they need light to reproduce or something...but i am no doctor and no expert this is from recommendations of friends who own and work at fish stores, after listening to them my 2 tangs are back and healthy.....good luck with your fish



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oh yeah i did the garlic thing also, the fish ate some of it, but after a day..my water smellled sooo foul!!! took a week to get the smell out and that was after a 50% water change....i would just marinate the food in garlic extract if anything and advoid using crushed garlic into the tank just my opinion

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Originally posted by rbaby

Eh for a tang just buy a cleaner shrimp man...QT will probably just do more harm than good--just stresses 'em out.


i agree.... catching those fish stresses them out like no other....especially since their so freggin fast, only take them out when their really sick and dont swim much....however i have a cleaner shrimp and i have yet to see it do anything for my fish...good luck

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Tangs loved to be cleaned by cleaners, other fishes--well, unless they see a tang being cleaned by one they're not too keen on being cleaned themselves. I had a cleaner for a while, it wasn't until I borrowed my friend's tang for a week where my clown and blenny saw it being cleaned that they allowed themselves to be cleaned.

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Originally posted by rbaby

Tangs loved to be cleaned by cleaners, other fishes--well, unless they see a tang being cleaned by one they're not too keen on being cleaned themselves.  I had a cleaner for a while, it wasn't until I borrowed my friend's tang for a week where my clown and blenny saw it being cleaned that they allowed themselves to be cleaned.

man im jealous... i have 2 tangs and none of them when they had ich went to my shrimp...any ideas on how to get them to pair up? thanks
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It takes a while, the cleaner will always want to try anyway--eventually they'll stop trying to run away :)...but if your tank is too big then most likely the cleaner doesn't run by them too often.

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I had a pair of cleaner wrasess in my 50 fowlr for over a year and they did a great job. I remember when I bought them they were both only about an 1 1/4 inches long. The first 15 mins in the tank my punctato butterfly lined up and then my eblii angel and they had no signs of ich. Just felt the need to go over to the two and open their dorsal and fan there fins. The cleaner fish did the once over and when there was no ich problem they ate frozen food like little pigs. Awesome to watch them circle their hiding spots in the live rock as it was bed time. They would do this so no tank mates would know where they slept.

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ok this is weird, my fish keeps having ich on and off, they been diagnosed with ich for about a month and a half, they are perfectly fine tho, just the occassional days of scratching, and yes i confirm that it is ich, my only question is how long does it normally take for ich to kill fishs? ive been waiting for them to get more sick so i can catch them, at this point their just too fast to catch...and mainly its just 2 of my 4 fishes that are sick the others are fine and happy i thought ich would have gotten all of them by now..

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