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Coral Vue Hydros



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Does putting Chemipure in the first chamber of a 12 DX really help? How often does the bag have to be replaced? Curious if people have noticed a difference with or without it.

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Yes--carbon is awesome, it will really help your tank...I noticed a difference in my cube before--I had wayyy less surface scum and my water seemed cleaner.


The bag has to be replaced every month.

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Get a bag of Seachem Purigen($5), you don't have to change it every month. When it is exhausted(color changing beads), you can recharge it up to 6-8 times or you can toss it away.

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Originally posted by shao-lin nano

i think you recharge it with bleach.


Yes, soak in a 50% solution of bleach / water for 8 hours. Rinse well and soak in plain water (not SW) for 4 hours after adding chlorine remover to the water (I add doubble the amount). Repeat. Smell to see if there is any bleach odor. No odor, back in the tank.


BTW, do not use chlorine remover that has a slime coating additive.

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Originally posted by reefin300

why recharge it, just buy a new bag


Well, those of us who are so tight we squeak when we walk....


A bag around here goes for about $7. I think I'll recharge mine.

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I use chemi pure ... just rinse it out with fresh water every couple of weeks and it is still good..it is advertised to last 4-6 months and thats for a 40 gallon tank ...I do replace about every 3 months however.

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