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critique my plans


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Well I am now palnning my nanoreef. I have maintained a 6 gal. FOWLR, and a 20 gal. and right now only have a 30 gal. seahorse set up. I want to use a AGA 10 gal. the corals and fish i want to keep are:

2 percula clowns

1cleaner shrimp

candy/trumpet coral

plate corl (Fungia sp.)

closed brain


ricordia (Blue and Orange)

green star polyps

assorted zoo's

I would also like to add either a squamosa or deresa clam further down the line. I want to have 1 aquaclear mini and 1 mini jet both for circulation. I want to use water from my 30 gal. water changes to get it started. I also would like to use mostly tonga branch LR. i will have an inch or 2 of LS from my lfs. Now my main question is what is he best light set up for my tank? I am a complete non-DIY'er so i want to purchase a complete hood. I was looking at a JBJ clamp on 36 or maybe 1 or 2 or the new slimline PC's by CSL that are 20 in long and i think have 28w bulbs in them. I really would prefer to buy the hood so what would be best for the animals I want to keep? TIA KevinB)

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i've had good experiences with CSL but i would recommend our sponsor, pet supply liquidator. they have a 19"unit designed for 10 gallons-includes two 36W PCs. i think its a hundred dollars-listed as a PC Solar Hood if you check out their site. i have a similar but lower wattage hood and really like it. if you told bruce that you want it to sit on the frame of your tank i'm sure he could make it in the proper size. this hood will give you alot of options when it comes to keeping photosynthetic critters. all the corals on your list should be great. squamosa and derasas being lower light requiring clams should do fine also. this hood should leave you plenty of room in the back for the HOB (which the two CSL striplights likely wouldn't). hope this helps, good work planning the tank.


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What about,

The ABS 2x32W

This would be plenty of light for a 10 gallon, especially for the corals you have named.


Since you mentioned the plate and closed brain you will need a 2x28W PC or more in your hood. Also as a warning, the closed brain will send out sweepers ;) so keep your eyes out (I realize this will be a much later addition, as it is a delicate sp.). With either 2x28W or 2x32W of PC you will have no problems with a dersa or a squa.

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